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BELOMOBelarus Optiko Mechanichesckoye Obyedinenie (Belarus Optical & Mechanical Enterprise)
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This was conceived at the Academy, specified by JSC HI and designed and is manufactured by Belomo. It can be customised to a particular company's requirements and over 1,000 have been sold to date.
Rana Tanveer Hussain held meetings with Yuri Zhadobin, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Sergei Gurulev, Chairman of the State Military and Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Alexey Shkadarevich, Director of STC 'LEMT' BelOMO, Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Meeting with Denis Pashchenko, Director of Defense Initiatives Company and Sergei Bufal, First Deputy Director General of SFTUE "Belvneshpromservice".
Minister for Defence Production Rana Tanveer Hussain held meetings with Yuri Zhadobin, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Belarus, Sergei Gurulev, Chairman of the State Military & Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Alexey Shkadarevich, Director of STC "LEMT" BelOMO, Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Meeting with Mr.