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Of or relating to a firm or the operations of a firm that are deemed unprofitable. The term derives from the color of ink used to show losses on financial statements. Compare black.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Li, Rapid hydrothermal synthesis of magnetic Co x Ni 1 A x Fe 2 O 4 nanoparticles and their application on removal of Congo red, Chem.
Vashi, "Removal of Congo Red dye from its aqueous solution using natural coagulants," Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, vol.
Caption: Figure 6: Congo red staining in lung biopsy.
All types of amyloid protein stain with Congo red and exhibit apple green birefringence on polarized microscopy [4].
(d) Deposits of amyloid material showing birefringence under polarized light (Congo red stain) (x200).
where [C.sub.b] represents the amount of Congo Red dye bound to aggregated peptide, [A.sub.541] is the optical absorption measured at the wavelength of 541 nm, [A.sub.403] is the optical absorption measured at the wavelength of 403 nm, 478000 is the extinction coefficient at 541 nm, and 38100 is the extinction coefficient at 403 nm.
All isolates absorbed little Congo red to produce colonies that were pale pink to whitish in color.
cultivated on Luria Bertani agar plates supplemented with Congo red express a phenotype known as "rdar" (red, dry and rough) morphotype [7].
Biofilm formation can be detected by Tissue Culture Plate Method (TCP), Tube Method (TM) and Congo Red Agar (CRA) Method.
In 1924 Divery found that SPs consisted of amyloid using Congo red staining.
The biopsy revealed amorphous material deposited in the vascular walls and apple-green birefringence in a polarization examination with Congo red staining which proved amyloidosis.