Secretary of State for International Development

(redirected from Minister of State for Overseas Development)

Secretary of State for International Development

The head of the Department for International Development, which is the department of the British government responsible for the administration of foreign aid. He/she oversees donations of money and the sponsorship of programs all over the world to assist in international development. The secretary is appointed by the monarch on the advice of the prime minister.
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He started his career at the British Overseas Development Administration and later became a private secretary to former Minister of State for Overseas Development, Ms Lynda Chalker, and in 2002 became permanent secretary at the Department of International Development.
The supplies are large enough to provide for 33,000 Pakistanis, Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power said yesterday.
Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power yesterday revealed the Government has pledged EUR20million to the relief effort.
British Minister of State for Overseas Development, Lady Linda Chalker, was the first to sound the warning, saying Tanzania's ineffective tax collection may lose her development aid from Britain.
Minister of State for Overseas Development, Peter Power, said Ireland is already responding to the needs of the affected people through the UN Central Emergency Response Fund.
Peter Power, Minister of state for overseas development, said there have been 67 RRC deployments to 23 countries since the scheme was launched in 2007.
Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power said "The absolute priority is to ensure the country's recovery is sustainable and led by its own people.
Peter Power, Minister of State for Overseas Development, said the money was in addition to another EUR500,000 pledged earlier this month.
Mr Power, Minister of State for Overseas Development, pictured right, said: "Ireland is committed to supporting the government and people of Tanzania in furthering the development of this great country."
Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power said getting rid of hunger will be a cornerstone for Irish Aid, the Government's programme of assistance to developing countries.
Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power said he had approved the release of pounds 120,000 worth of humanitarian supplies allocated to Concern from stores in the Curragh, Co Kildare, for the victims of Cyclone Nargis.
Minister of State for Overseas Development Michael Kitt earmarked the donation through the Government's Irish Aid Fund for Developing Countries.
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