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References in classic literature ?
SEEING that his audiences were becoming smaller every Sunday, a Minister of the Gospel broke off in the midst of a sermon, descended the pulpit stairs, and walked on his hands down the central aisle of the church.
He holds the charter in his hand, and a Bible is under his arm.} There was likewise a minister of the gospel whom the English bishops had forbidden to preach, but who knew that he should have liberty both to preach and pray in the forests of America.
But religious!--and for YOU, who intend to be a minister of the Gospel!"
I was - I am a minister of the Gospel. Leave him to me."
'Excuse me, sir, for making the remark on so short an acquaintance; but a gentleman like yourself cannot fail, I should think, to have observed many scenes and incidents worth recording, in the course of your experience as a minister of the Gospel.'
"You will become accustomed to it as did I who was brought up in the home of a minister of the gospel, where it was considered little short of a crime for a woman to expose her stockinged ankle.
One man writes, for instance, about his conflicted feelings toward his father, who had a "crisis of conscience" and ultimately a nervous breakdown, over his incongruous roles as minister of the gospel and a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
The IRS has recently announced that it will not issue private letter rulings or determination letters as to whether an individual is a "minister of the gospel" for federal tax purposes with respect to IRC section 107 (Revenue Procedure 2012-3).
Yet King does not blame or rage against the perpetrators, but instead finds fault with, among others, "every minister of the gospel who has remained silent" and "every Negro who has passively accepted the evil system of segregation.
Being a minister of the gospel is central to my vocational identity.
Through the insight and research of twelve scholars from various fields of study, this book offers the current minister of the gospel an integrative lens by which to view the historical, sociological, theological, and missiological framework of the role of women in leadership from the beginning of the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement until today.
He earned a Master's Degree in Theological Studies at Liberty University and is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel. Prior to entering ministry, Jeff served as Director of Internet for Reader's Digest and VP of Interactive Marketing for a subsidiary of Ameritrade.
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