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, in diplomacy
minister, in diplomacy: see diplomatic service; extraterritoriality.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a clergyman in a Protestant church. Unlike Catholic and Eastern Orthodox priests, a minister is not considered the exclusive possessor of “divine grace,” has few or no special vestments, and practices a way of life that is usual for laymen.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. (esp in Presbyterian and some Nonconformist Churches) a member of the clergy
2. a person appointed to head a government department
3. any diplomatic agent accredited to a foreign government or head of state
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Embassy officials worked with President Tadic, Prime Minister Kostunica, the Minister of Religion, leaders of religious communities, international organizations, and NGOs to advocate changes in the law on religion and the law on restitution of property of religious communities.
Currently, besides the Minister of Religion, it consists of representatives from Serbian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, Islam, and Judaism.
We are not quite in a losing game, but every minister of religion will tell you that weddings are difficult, a challenge to give a sacred dimension to a social event.
The outgoing former minister of religion enjoys the high life and is known to like a drink or two at social events.
Wrexham-born Welsh Assembly Minister for Heritage, Rhodri Glyn Thomas, who was a minister of religion before entering full-time politics.
Pastoor V J Ennsoor, Minister of Religion, Bennetts Road South, Keresley.
Yet, though he is now best remembered as a scientist, Priestley regarded himself above all as a minister of religion and it was his religious opinions which aroused the antagonism of many local Anglicans.
Although the minister of religion set a goal for conclusion of the convention by the end of 2006, there was no agreement by the end of the reporting period.
A father of two and the son of British citizens, Mr Rehman worked as a minister of religion with the Jamait Ahle-e-Hadith in Oldham.
Further it is stated that `Walter Nash was a minister of religion at one time' (p.55).
He added: "This was a particularly gross breach of trust, using your offices as a minister of religion for sexual gratification."
"It's extremely suspicious," he went on, "that a group which claims to be so oppressed and victimized can simultaneously be so arrogant, confident and cocksure of themselves that they can call for a Christian minister of religion to be charged under `hate crimes' legislation for preaching what has been orthodox Christian doctrine for 2,000 years."

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