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BCT staffs generally inhibit these operations by not planning for sustainment operations as part of the scheme of maneuver.
The critical path for a successful intelligence planner is establishing the IPT, developing the intelligence running estimate, and fully integrating the concept of intelligence operations into the operational scheme of maneuver. This can only be accomplished through collaboration and the collective work of the intelligence staff elements ensuring that all intelligence equities and requirements are sufficiently addressed.
Col James Waring, who served as the CFLCC's chief liaison officer to the CFACC in 2004, highlighted the need for CFACC integration with the maneuver unit, stating that "we have learned that the macro-view of the ground scheme of maneuver that is echelons-above-battalion level provides insufficient situational awareness to the CFACC and his aircrews.
Ensuring that our coalition partners have visibility of the commander's intentions, maritime tasking, scheme of maneuver and conditions within the operational environment is crucial to the success of our coalition.
In a College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education report, Robyn Read uses the operations in Afghanistan to illustrate the shortfalls of CAS in a "non-linear attack mode" within the context of "small wars." Although much of his discussion deals primarily with the shortcomings of CAS operations, these shortcomings are a symptom of a larger problem: the inability of airpower, within the current doctrinal precepts and [C.sup.2] architecture, to integrate effectively within an agile, fast-moving, nonlinear, joint force scheme of maneuver. In any event, one would certainly have to agree with his assertion that:
The FSO can develop the "how" to ensure it is synchronized with the scheme of maneuver once the desired end state is established.
The Commander and staff must be able to depend upon the intelligence staff to plan and conduct intelligence operations, in support of the scheme of maneuver, for successful combined arms maneuver and wide area security, and decisive action operations.
Belote states that the Marine Corps "published an unsupported analysis suggesting that some Air Force JTACs' [joint terminal attack controllers'] unfamiliarity with the ground scheme of maneuver proved that the Marine Corps trained its forward air controllers better than the Air Force trained its JTACs" (p.
The creation of templates, which is dependent on the commander's scheme of maneuver, involves overlaying probable enemy CBRN courses of action, wargaming the results, and determining which indicators can be used to detect an event before that event is fully developed.
CLFNC is fully prepared to support an expanded scheme of maneuver throughout the NAVCENT region for the foreseeable future.
Through this apparent contradiction--an indirect (although aggressive) ground scheme of maneuver, coupled with a direct air attack--Clausewitz appears to explain the joint Iraqi Freedom campaign more fully than Liddell Hart.
Everyone needs to thoroughly understand both the concept of support and the scheme of maneuver. Without this knowledge, support will fall short and leave the maneuver elements unable to complete their missions.