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Related to schemes: Pyramid schemes


1. a calculated plan of action.
2. schema.
body scheme the acquisition of an internal awareness of the body and the relationship of body parts to one another; a sensorimotor performance component of occupational therapy.
Intervention scheme see intervention scheme.
Problem Classification scheme see problem classification scheme.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


, pl.


(skē'mă, skē-mah'tă),
1. A plan, outline, or arrangement. Synonym(s): scheme
2. In sensorimotor theory, the organized unit of cognitive experience.
[G. schēma, shape, form]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


, pl. schemata (skē'mă -mă-tă)
1. A plan, outline, or arrangement.
Synonym(s): scheme.
2. In sensorimotor theory, the organized unit of cognitive experience.
[G. schēma, shape, form]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Astor now prepared to carry his scheme into prompt execution.
You want me to withdraw the report and to make a short speech stating that I believe there are possibilities in the scheme?
I wanted to interest him in this Argentine Canal scheme, of which I dare say you have heard.
Apparently to try and lure Robert to uphold some fraudulent scheme in which she is interested.
And what did she mean by boasting that she had got you to lend your support, your name, to a thing I have heard you describe as the most dishonest and fraudulent scheme there has ever been in political life?
Cheveley, and tell her that you cannot support this scandalous scheme of hers?
Write that you decline to support this scheme of hers, as you hold it to be a dishonest scheme.
Whatever your scheme was, it had sense in it, Blake's opinion to the contrary notwithstanding.
After the night that Wilson had partly revealed his scheme at his house, Tom had tried for several days to guess out the secret of the rest of it, but had failed.
"You'd change your mind," said Wilson, with irritated bluntness, "if you knew the entire scheme instead of only part of it."
Only I thought you had struck out a new idea, and invented a scheme that was going to revolutionize the timeworn and ineffectual methods of the--" He stopped, and turned to Blake, who was happy now that another had taken his place on the gridiron.
RAWALPINDI -- The directorate, Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering (MP and TE) Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) on the directive of Chairman RDA Muhammad Arif Abbasi on Sunday conducted operation against illegal housing schemes at Chakri and Dhamial roads and demolished a site office, sealed four site offices while the sign boards were removed and development of work of the housing schemes were also demolished.