References in classic literature ?
Do not tell me that once more you are in the maze, that again you have schemes against this country."
It is a characteristic of the weak and criminal to attribute to others the misfortunes that are the result of their own wickedness, and so now it was that Alexis Paulvitch was slowly recalling the events of his past life and as he did so laying at the door of the man whom he and Rokoff had so assiduously attempted to ruin and murder all the misfortunes that had befallen him in the failure of their various schemes against their intended victim.
The NAB has already filed references in money laundering through fake bank accounts, Pink Residency and illegal award of water supply schemes against him.
The federal government has released Rs 373.88 billion for various ongoing and new schemes against the total allocation of Rs 675 billion under its Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) 2018-19.
Al Khatib also condemned Israeli schemes against Al Aqsa Mosque as well as Arab and Islamic sites.
Other schemes against which the action was taken included Al Qadir Town, Al Barkat Town, Gold Asis Orchard, Bi Alam Housing scheme and Elegance Homes where boundary walls, roads, sewerage system and other infrastructure was demolished.
Meanwhile according to latest data released by Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform the government released over Rs 37.6 billion under its Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2018-19 for various ongoing and new schemes against the total allocations of Rs 675 billion.
Islamabad -- The government has released over Rs 9.94 billion under its Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2017-18 for various ongoing and new schemes against the total allocations of Rs 1,030 billion.
Garcia said they used the canceled game day to polish off their schemes against the Gin Kings.
"We are being subjected to water terrorism by our arch rival and need to be fully cognizant of its ill intentioned schemes against us," he said and urged the financially stable citizens of the country to realize their national obligation.
Duterte also raised doubts on the rebels' sincerity, citing their attacks that harmed civilians, aside from their alleged extortion schemes against businesses.
He added that the Moroccan King is keen on coordinating with President Abbas to confront schemes against the Palestinian cause and the city of Jerusalem.
ISLAMABAD -- The government hasreleased over Rs 550.291 billion under its PSDP 2017-18 for various ongoing and new schemes against total allocations of Rs1,001 billion.
Some 27% of respondents reported a rise in work on private commercial projects, compared with 23% before, while 19% saw a rise in their workloads on infrastructure schemes against 14% last time and 18% reported a rise in working on public housing projects against 10%.