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Related to congestion: pulmonary congestion, Chest Congestion


An abnormal accumulation of fluid, usually blood, but occasionally bile or mucus, within the vessels of an organ or part.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


When the offered load of a data communication path exceeds the capacity.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (


The condition of a network when there is not enough bandwidth to support the current traffic load.
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
References in periodicals archive ?
Cramton suggests that the time is not only apt for an innovation in road-use charges, but that without any move to address congestion it will reach a crisis point.
NLC suggests charging people to drive into cities through a variable congestion pricing model.
"The aim that the defendant sought to pursue, namely achieving a reduction in the number of private hire vehicles in the congestion charge zone, is a legitimate one adopted as a measure of economic, social and environmental policy," he added.
"At TomTom, we're working towards a future where vehicles are electric, shared and autonomous so that our future really is free of congestion and emissions.
The Traffic Index interestingly reports that Kaohsiung has the worst traffic in Taiwan, as Taipei's rate of traffic congestion dropped 2 percent over the previous year, while Kaohsiung's stayed the same.
Pernia admitted to the BusinessMirror that the port congestion has played a part in the country's lackluster trade performance in 2018.
Event spaces, airports, and shopping malls where crowds gather often deal with problems of congestion, which can lead to lower customer satisfaction and sales.
This is due to the reality that TCP infers missing packets as a suggestion of a network congestion that does not always correspond to MANET.
We hope to meet with stakeholders to deliberate on the congestion surcharge.
Roads across Sharjah towards Dubai are in red with rush hour congestion levels as usual.
Last year, congestion cost the city's drivers $2,828 each and that added up to $19.2 billion for the city as a whole.