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Related to Congregationalists: Congregationalist churches
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



one of the movements within Calvinism that arose in England in the second half of the 16th century as a radical faction in Puritanism. The most eminent of the founders was R. Brown (hence, Brownists, the other name for Congregationalists). During the English bourgeois revolution of the 17th century the group acted as a political party. The Congregationalists found their second homeland in the English colonies of North America.

Each Congregationalist congregation is autonomous, considers Christ at its head, and determines for itself its form of worship and creed, selects its leaders and a pastor, accepts and expels members, and does not acknowledge subordination to a presbytery, as do the Presbyterians. However, each Congregationalist congregation “covenants” its religious beliefs and worship with other Congregationalist congregations. In practice, Congregationalists are orthodox Calvinist Protestants who follow the Savoy Confession (1658, London), formed according to the example of the Calvinist Presbyterian Westminister Confession, but replacing the Presbyterian church organization with the Congregationalist organization.

Congregationalist congregations are found mainly in English-speaking countries and have approximately 2 million members. The International Congregational Council was founded in 1891, with its center in London. Congregationalists are active in the ecumenical movement.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Even though, admittedly, the Good Gray Poet was descended from Quakers and not Kittelstrom's Congregationalists, he still bore the full influence of Transcendentalism.)
At the opposite end of the spectrum of religious opinion from ardent conformists, response to presbyterian arguments helped shape the congregationalist ideas of Henry Jacob and others.
For four years, the Congregationalists refrained from comment until a Baptist reviewer of Judson's sermon questioned the character of his detractors and cast aspersions on the intellectual validity of pedobaptist doctrine.
During the 19th and 20th centuries, a renewed emphasis on the importance of sacraments emerged among some Congregationalists, as it did also among some Baptists.
He was not a member of one of the local Congregationalist churches and, therefore, had no rights to vote or participate politically in the affairs of the colony.
Although the Congregationalists were more likely than any other denomination to enjoy a plurality in the towns, they often failed to achieve a majority.
(13) Some have taken Barrett's remark "I used to go with my father always, when I was able, to the nearest dissenting chapel of the congregationalists" (BC, 11:10) as referring to her girlhood attending of a Congregationalist chapel.
Within Christianity, there were profound differences between Protestants and Catholics, and among the Protestant denominations: Lutherans, Anglicans, Congregationalists, Quakers, Baptists, and the many others that emerged.
These joined the Presbyterian Church of England on its formation in 1876, which itself joined the majority of Congregationalists in England and Wales to form the United Reform Church in 1972.
Morris (English and American literature, Cambridge U.) examines how even the most rigid Congregationalists could dip into poetry now and again, as evidenced by the brisk sales of Wigglesworth's The Day of Doom, which contained such a definite conflict between content and meter that it became safe.
These Congregationalists saw prophecy and the preaching ministry as the same thing.
..." That statement overlooks the far more energetic antislavery efforts of the Society of Friends (Quakers), the Unitarians, Universalists, Congregationalists and the northern Baptists, not to mention the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

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