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1. a Latin American dance of three steps and a kick to each bar, usually performed by a number of people in single file
2. a large tubular bass drum, used chiefly in Latin American and funk music and played with the hands
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Conga stands out from other, more traditional contract management vendors in the marketplace in that it is building AI Analyze into its full suite of products, enabling the software to identify and convert both structured and unstructured data into actionable intelligence.
The Conga Suite automates tasks centred around data management, document generation and contract management, streamlining and digitising the document automation experience for Salesforce customers.
The other agency-partners in the Conga Creek cleanup are the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and the departments of Public Works and Highways, Interior and Local Government and of Health.
Conga helps organizations thrive in an automated world by delivering advanced solutions to enhance their business productivity through contracts, documents, data and reporting.
| CONGA: Store manager at Boots in King Street, Huddersfield, Sarah Cooper with staff at the start of their fund-raising 'conga' (JH200912Aboots-
The Conga project is a US$4.8 billion undertaking to extract gold and copper, which will be carried out by Minera Yanacocha, owned by Newport Mining, Peru's Buenaventura, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a division of the World Bank.
At the center of the conflict is the $4.8 billion so-called Conga project, an ambitious mining initiative operated by US mining giant Newmont, which has been drawing protests from local environmentalists.
International Resource News-November 30, 2011--Newmont Mining Corporation to suspend construction activities at Conga project(C)1994-2011 ENPublishing -