center drill

center drill

[′sen·tər ‚dril]
A two-fluted tool consisting of a twist drill with a 60° countersink; used to drill countersink center holes in a workpiece to be mounted between centers for turning or grinding.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The second phase was the command center drill; it focused on training commanders to use simulators and manage military operations.
Kuwait National Guard Undersecretary Lieutenant General Hashem Al-Refaie during an opening ceremony of CBX-16 command center drill KUWAIT, April 22 (KUNA) -- Kuwait National Guard Undersecretary Lieutenant General Hashem Al-Refaie underlined the importance Sunday of cooperation training among military institutes, to achieve development goals, including KNG's strategic vision of 2020.
Saudi Military Forces from the Ministry of Defense; Ministry of National Guard and Ministry of Interior are participating in the Command Center Drill. It is worth mentioning that the Gulf Shield-1 exercise started last weekend for one month in the eastern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
To locate the positions of the hammer pin, trigger pin and safety lever holes there are small protrusions or stubs located on the sides of the receiver that feature center drill dimples or divots as starting points for drilling the holes.
Two cylindrical-shaped versions are available: PLAST Cut TC burs with Special End Cut, for use with CNC machines and robots, and PLAST Cut TC Burs with a Center Drill for manual use.
Securing a standard velocity Long Rifle cartridge in the headstock, we drilled a hollowpoint with a center drill driven in from the tailstock.
With the lathe in back-gear feed in a piloted center drill, (corresponding caliber of course), taking the tiniest bevel cut on the muzzle edge, holding the tailstock pad advance at a final locked position to give perfect cylindrical cut clearance.
The second phase is the command center drill; this exercise will train commanders to manage military operations and use simulators in virtual military operations.
After a quick trip to the hardware store for fresh drill bits and center drill, the porting process was underway.