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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(formerly Erythraea), a genus of plants of the family Gentianaceae. They are annual, biennial, or perennial herbaceous plants with entire leaves. The flowers are pentamerous or, less often, tetramerous, clustered in a multiflorous inflorescence. The corolla has a long tube and is pink or white. The fruit is a capsule. There are 40 to 50 species distributed throughout most of the world. In the USSR there are seven species. The best-known is C. minus, a biennial with radical leaf rosettes. Its flowers are pink, clustered in corymbose-paniculate inflorescences. It grows in meadows, scrub, forest glades, and the wastelands of the European USSR, the Caucasus, the Altai, and Middle Asia. Decoctions, infusions, and tinctures are prepared from its dried aboveground parts. These preparations are used as medicines that stimulate the appetite and aid in the improvement of digestion.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Centaurium Non-deep MPD in Fernandez-Pascual somedanum seeds controls the et al.
Like all stomach bitters, centaurium - also known as Centaury, helps to stimulate the tastebuds, increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes that help to break down food.
A TAKE 10 drops of Centaurium in very little water three times a day about 15 minutes before each meal.
Re-Creation Eye Balm Re-Creation Eye Balm helps deliver essential moisture and superb protection against environmental assaults along with strengthening, smoothing and brightening benefits in a sumptuously hydrating yet absorbent formula. In addition to a powerful trio of Calcium Technology from padina, micro-minerals and enriched water from the a[euro]Zone of Regeneration,a[euro]Y other key ingredients include: Re-Creating Strength * Centaurium Erythraea Extract a[euro]" long used in herbal remedies as a digestive aid and tonic, this particular variety is sourced from France, and used for its antioxidant and anti-irritation benefits to help keep skin firm, supple and youthful-looking.
Naturopath Jan de Vries says:'Take 15 drops of flower remedy centaurium twice a day to support your digestive system.' An alternative is the Cynara Artichoke (available from Boots, priced pounds 9.95 for 30 capsules) which promotes bile production.
* * * * Canarium australasicum * Carex tereticaulis * Centaurium spicatum * * (?introduced) Centipeda cunninghamii * * * Centipeda minima * * * * Centipeda thespidioides * * Chamaesyce drummondii * * Chenopodium cristatum * * Chrysopogon fallax * * * Cleome viscosa * * * Commersonia bartramia * Corchorus cunninghamii * Cymbopogon obtectus * * * * Cyperus gymnocaulos/ * * * * vaginatus Dendrocnide excelsa * * * Dendrocnide photinophylla * Digitaria brownii * * * * Dodonaea truncatiales * Duboisia hopwoodii * Duboisia myoporoides * * Enteropogon species * * * Eragrostis australasica * * Eremophila gilesii * Eremophila mitchellii * * Eucalyptus agglomerata * Eucalyptus crebra * * * Eucalyptus obliqua * Eucalyptus sideroxylon * * * Evolvulus alsinoides * * * ?var.
Listed species addressed in the recovery plan include an endangered plant, the Amargosa niterwort (Nitrophila mohavensis); six threatened plants, the spring-loving centaury (Centaurium namophilum), Ash Meadows ivesia (Ivesia eremica), Ash Meadows blazing star (Mentzelia leucophylla), Ash Meadows milkvetch (Astragalus phoenix), Ash Meadows sunray (Enceliopsis nudicaulis var.
Scientific name Plant part Therapeutic area: A15 Achillea millefolium L., flos Dried inflorescence Achillea millefolium L., herba Not applicable Arctium lappa L., radix Not applicable Artemisia absinthium L., herba Not applicable Centaurium Erythraea Rafn, Not applicable herba Cichorium intybus L., radix Not applicable Harpagophytum Procumbens DC Cut dried tuberous and/or Harpagophytum Zeyheri secondary root Decne, radix Marrubium vulgare L., herba Not applicable Trigonella foenum-graecum L., As defined in the Ph.