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Related to baritone: baritone voice, bass voice


baritone or barytone (both: bărˈĭtōn), male voice, in a lighter and higher range than a bass but lower than a tenor. The term also designates a bass stringed instrument, fretted, with six or seven bowed strings, and up to 20 sympathetic (i.e., unplayed but freely vibrating) strings. Haydn wrote many works for this instrument.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(1) Male voice intermediate between the bass and tenor. The lyric baritone (close in sonority to the dramatic tenor) is distinguished from the dramatic baritone, which is more forceful and stronger (in the lower register it approaches the bass). The range of the baritone goes from the note A of the great octave to the A of the first octave.

(2) A bass string bow instrument similar to the viola bastarda. In addition to the six to seven strings to be played with the bow, this instrument had from seven to 20 or more resonating strings to intensify its sonority. The resonating strings were also played with a pick using the thumb of the left hand. The baritone was widespread in the 18th century, especially in Germany and Austria.

(3) A brass musical instrument reaching an octave below the trumpet and used in brass bands.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. the second lowest adult male voice, having a range approximately from G an eleventh below middle C to F a fourth above it
2. a singer with such a voice
3. the second lowest instrument in the families of the saxophone, horn, oboe, etc.
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Jonathan's vocal and comic talents have resulted in him singing many of the leading comic baritone roles to critical acclaim.
The poem, "The Guest House," is sung mostly in tandem by the soprano and baritone, sometimes in thirds and fifths, sometimes in close seconds.
I'd like to give you my choice of winners: to the tenor Oleksiy the Dame Joan Sutherland Audience Prize and, of course, the main prize to the baritone from Mongolia.
Baritone, tenor, men's chorus, and chamber orchestra.
He made his debut as a lyric baritone on stage of Komische Oper in Berlin, and performed in theaters of Germany, Austria, Japan, Turkey and Venezuela.
The premiere was part of a presentation titled "The Music of Pepper Adams," which featured the 22-piece WPI Stage Band, the smaller WPI Jazz Ensemble, and baritone saxophonist Mark Weissman and trumpeter Doug Olson as guests.
I shared lodgings with a fella called John Tomlinson (now Sir John and also a distinguished baritone).
QUESTION: Which country is the world famous baritone Olaf Bar from?
Mattia Battistini (1856-1928) was an Italian operatic baritone, one of the last masters of the bel canto style, who came to enjoy favor with the Imperial family and nobility of Russia.
The young American baritone Mark Delavan (Carlo), however, has the makings of the real thing: a classic Verdi baritone to join the long American line from Lawrence Tibbett onwards.
Producer/songwriter Eric Roberson's velvety but not-too-smoothed-out compositions (a mix of live and studio recorded elements) are the perfect complement to Edler's warm and tender baritone. Deeply inflected without being maudlin or slipping into current R & B loverman cliches is Edler's strong suit.