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Baring (bârˈĭng), British family of bankers. Sir Francis Baring (1740–1810) founded (1763) the John and Francis Baring Company, which he renamed Baring Brothers and Company in 1806. At first the firm acted as import and export agents for others, but it soon became an independent merchant bank. Sir Francis, a close associate of William Pitt the Younger, helped finance the Napoleonic Wars and underwrote marine insurance. He was succeeded by his son Alexander Baring (later 1st baron Ashburton; 1774–1848), who was a pioneer in the financing of United States trade. He was (1834) president of the Board of Trade in the first administration of Sir Robert Peel and was raised to the peerage in 1835. He was the British commissioner sent to the United States in 1842 to negotiate the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. The family continued to manage the firm and by 1890 its importance to the British government was such that the Bank of England guaranteed their debts to save them from bankruptcy when Argentina defaulted (1890) on bond payments. Members of the Baring family were also notable public servants. The more important members of the family include Thomas George Baring, 1st earl of Northbrook (1826–1904), a Liberal statesman who served as a successful viceroy of India (1872–76); Evelyn Baring, 1st earl of Cromer; Maurice Baring (1874–1945), author; and George Rowland Stanley Baring, 3d earl of Cromer (1918–91), governor of the Bank of England (1961–66) and ambassador to the United States (1971–74).


See R. W. Hidy, The House of Baring in American Trade and Finance, 1763–1861 (1949).

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Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer. 1841--1917, English administrator. As consul general in Egypt with plenipotentiary powers, he controlled the Egyptian government from 1883 to 1907
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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"At Baring Asset Management we offer a diverse array of market leading portfolio solutions, providing customers with dynamic global investment opportunities.
It all started when Barings Future Trading in Singapore hired Nick Leeson.
The book is a fascinating compendium of financial skullduggery, and Barings emerges from it as, in Naylor's words, "the godfather of imperialist finance," (which is quite a remove from the recent misty-eyed obituaries that painted the firm as an honest and venerable institution, rather than a nexus of boodle.)
If the Baring family have a well-written tale to distribute to their friends and kin, what has the business historian got?
The Baring MENA Fund has just celebrated its third anniversary, and over this period it has performed strongly, returning a cumulative 20.8 per cent in US dollar terms since inception, significantly outperforming the benchmark which declined by 0.9 per cent in US dollar terms.
The Leeson story, later made into a film starring Ewan McGregor, began to emerge on Thursday, February 23, 1995, when he failed to show up for work at the Singapore international money exchange, where he managed Barings Bank's futures trading operations.
But paramedics flown in by air ambulance were unable to revive the banker, whose family's Baring Brothers empire came crashing down in 1995.
On the investment level, Versaggi said, Baring does things a number of different ways because their foreign investors tend to analyze investments differently.
The Barings brand and logo have been refreshed, reflecting a modern and forward-looking asset management firm committed to meeting the evolving investment and capital needs of its clients.