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He said the same had taken place for Barisan Alternif, which was made up of PAS, DAP, PRM, and Parti Keadilan Nasional, after the 11th general election in 2004 and ahead of the Sarawak election, following the racial and religion dispute between PAS and DAP.
This is a shocking outcome because Barisan Nacional has been in power since 1957, when Malaysia achieved independence from Great Britain.
KUALA LUMPUR -- Former Malaysian Prime Minster Najib Razak said Saturday that he was stepping down as head of his United Malays National Organization (UMNO) and the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition following the defeat in the general elections.
This comes after Malaysia's ruling party Barisan Nasional led by Prime Minister Najib Razak lost the general election to the Opposition alliance for the first time in 61 years.
Lawmakers from both the ruling coalition and three-party opposition were sworn in Monday, marking the start of a fresh five-year term following May 5 elections won by Prime Minister Najib Razak's Barisan Nasional (National Front).
The ruling Barisan Nasional (National Front) coalition led by Prime Minister Najib Razak ceded just two seats in the election to end at 133, maintaining a firm majority of the 222-member parliament.
Police and Military have long been the strong supporters of Barisan Nasional, the ruling coalition that rules the country uninterruptedly for more than five decades since the country's independence in 1957.
Internet users said the report indicates that Yeoh supports the long-ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, which is struggling to prevent a slide in support over persistent allegations of corruption, authoritarianism and misrule.
Pakatan Rakyat is a political coalition between three parties, Democratic Action Party (DAP), Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS) against the political agenda being pushed by the ruling party (Barisan National).
Abdullah led the National Front, more popularly known by its Malay name Barisan Nasional, to a landslide victory during the March 2004 election, securing some 90 percent of the 199 seats in Parliament.
The only forests remaining in good condition in Sumatra is the South Bukit Barisan National Park, Way Kambas forests and Way Kanan forest, "Kaban said.