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Barisal (bərĭsälˈ), city, S Bangladesh, on the Ganges River delta. It is an important river port, a transshipment point for jute and rice, and a market for betel nuts and fish. There are also flour, rice, oilseed, and jute mills. Barisal has 15 colleges affiliated with the Univ. of Dhaka. The “Barisal guns,” unexplained sounds resembling distant thunder or cannon, are a curious local phenomenon; they may have a seismic origin.
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References in periodicals archive ?
26% of fish farmers in Barisal District used balance food but 74% of farmers used supplementary feed [16].
Ayurvedic influences in folk medicine: a case study of a folk medicinal practitioner of Jhalokathi in Barisal district, Bangladesh.