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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an embankment (step) along the inside slope of a high parapet; designed for the stationing of riflemen firing over the parapet. In the Soviet Army the term “banquette” has been replaced by the term strelkovaia stupen’ (shooting step).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. A long, upholstered seat built in against a wall.
2. A raised, narrow walk along a roadway.
3. A term once used in some parts of the American South for a sidewalk.
4. Same as barbette.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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"Create a banquette by placing a twin mattress on wooden pallets and then layering with lengths of brilliantly coloured fabrics or throws and use lavishly embroidered cushions for a snug, inviting feel,'' she suggests.
A long banquette spans the restaurant, offering a sense of community, which Rashid likens to being part of the seamless global culture that makes up Dubai.
The final layout also includes the following areas: the front lounge; the standing and bar stool area between the bar and the opposite wall; a "VIP" area between the narrow end of the bar and the bathroom wall; and an intimate back area with a small banquette.
There are long curved banquettes for, well, lounging, as well as chaise longues surrounding the dance area.
Otherwise, something approaching an old-fashioned cafe ambience is impressed by bright lighting from suspended luminaires (designed by the practice) and downlights, by furniture (tables covered with yellow laminated plastic and quilted Naugahyde banquettes) and by the light ash used for floors and ceiling soffits.
Throughout the atrium, we also incorporated a series of banquettes to provide convenient resting places for those traveling through and quieter conversation nooks for smaller groups.
The 50-seat cinema offers banquettes with tables for two, leather headrests and theater-quality sound and projection.
To maintain the lightness of the space, Winser and Martignetti covered the walls in plaster and built whitewashed ash tables and deep blue banquettes (with white buttons, to evoke a nautical theme).
The main floor, consisting of 3,300 s/f, features a large central lounge furnished with creamy leather banquettes, textured crocodile tiles and custom glass wails.
The influence is distracting, but it does seem to be a schoolboy crush: Anderson is more self-assured in paintings such as Welcome Series: Carib, 2005, a zingy interior interpenetrated with exterior views, mixing reflections of a cafe milieu (electric fans, banquettes, posters) with whitewashed architecture behind a stinging diamond-patterned grid that one takes for a window; the WELCOME written across it is presumably ironic, given that the work would seem to convey a divided mind-set, a soul nowhere at home.
It's hard not to feel comfortable among Poggio's rich, Florentine-style trappings, which include curvy mohair banquettes, hand-cut Italian terra-cotta tiles, and mahogany paneling.
Shish in Willesden Green has a designer-led interior of white leather banquettes, bamboo floors and stylish furnishings.