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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an embankment (step) along the inside slope of a high parapet; designed for the stationing of riflemen firing over the parapet. In the Soviet Army the term “banquette” has been replaced by the term strelkovaia stupen’ (shooting step).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. A long, upholstered seat built in against a wall.
2. A raised, narrow walk along a roadway.
3. A term once used in some parts of the American South for a sidewalk.
4. Same as barbette.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Its striped Ashbourne bench, pounds 955, could mimic a banquette, or simply dress a sofa in the brilliantly coloured and patterned Maratha wall hanging, pounds 245, which doubles up as a throw.
Style, design and furnishings: Wooden floors, olive green banquette seating around edges, trendy central bar area for perching, lots of mirrors.
Its shiny surfaces are broken up by digipop patterns, scrolling text and the satiny banquettes and lounge seating.
The curved double-sided banquette snakes across the center of the room.
It shows him, quite portly, slouched on a banquette on the dance-floor level, a white hat pulled down to cover his eyes, as if the swirl of dancers in front of him is too much to take.
Janet describes one incident: "One afternoon, an elderly man sitting on the banquette at the back of the bar suddenly took his hat off, was silently sick into it, put it back on his head and made a stylish exit.
The ban will affect Gordon Ramsay, 68 Royal Hospital Road, Gordon Ramsay at Claridge's, The Connaught, The Savoy Grill, Petrus, Banquette and the Boxwood Cafe.
The kitchen also has two sinks, a library area that includes a banquette and shelves, and lots of specialized storage.
It is easy to assume that a cabinetmaker should know how to make a banquette or a window seat, but double-check to safeguard your ultimate satisfaction.
Long's cost about $1,500, but having professionals fix it up with antique fittings and a real leather banquette ran up the tab--"I probably spent more than I should have," she says ruefully.
The building, dating back to 1847, has been restored with a modern take on the Art Deco style, with dark walls, panelled and mirrored bars and golden banquette seating.