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Related to banqueter: banquette
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an embankment (step) along the inside slope of a high parapet; designed for the stationing of riflemen firing over the parapet. In the Soviet Army the term “banquette” has been replaced by the term strelkovaia stupen’ (shooting step).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. A long, upholstered seat built in against a wall.
2. A raised, narrow walk along a roadway.
3. A term once used in some parts of the American South for a sidewalk.
4. Same as barbette.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
(80) Indeed, from the Early Hellenistic period through Roman times the image of a snake drinking out of a cup was a standard feature of stone reliefs and terracotta plaques representing heroes or the heroized dead as riders, banqueters, and warriors.
(59) The number of animals represented by the cattle bones in the deposit in room 7 implies that 22 banqueters were not the only participants in the sacrifice and associated feasting.
As its title suggests, Aristophanes' first play, Banqueters (427 B.C.E.), must have contained a scene set at a lavish dinner or symposion.
It began somberly with scenes of wartime Poland and Ukraine projected from a screen and visible to all the well-dressed banqueters.
On a cup from Pratica di Mare (Lavinium), for example, the Naukratis Painter depicted in a tiered composition a symposium populated by komasts and reclining bearded banqueters (Fig.
Plato's phauloi and agoraioi banqueters cannot dispense with the full array of physical stimuli (singers for the ear and dancers for the eye) in order to stay amused at their feasts, while the pepaideumenoi entertain each other with the clarity of intellect alone (Prot.
Douglas, trans, and ed., Athenaeus: The Learned Banqueters, Books 6-7.
The form originated about the 7th century BC in the songs of banqueters under the leadership of a man who, according to Archilochus, was "wit-stricken by the thunderbolt of wine." It was contrasted with the more sober paean, sung in honor of Apollo.
There, Giovanni, proclaiming to the dumbfounded banqueters his "glorious execution," ceremonially parades Annabella's heart on the end of his dagger through the banquet hall.