aluminum phosphate

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aluminum phosphate

[ə′lüm·ə·nəm ′fäs‚fāt]
(inorganic chemistry)
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Keywords: Phosphine, Aluminum Phosphate, Cardiotoxicity.
has obtained a patent for a process of making titanium dioxide particles, comprised of forming a slurry comprising particles and a phosphate-containing agent, the particles comprising titanium dioxide and alumina; milling the slurry to form a homogeneous dispersion comprised of milled particles; leaching the alumina off of the milled particles to form leached particles in a leached dispersion; treating the leached dispersion under conditions to react the leached alumina with the phosphate-containing agent to form aluminum phosphate and to coat the leached particles with the aluminum phosphate and form a slurry of coated particles.
If you are truly worried, look up these ingredients: sodium aluminum phosphate; mono-calcium phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, and calcium lactate.
Aluminum phosphate was used as adjuvant, in the amount of 0.31 mg Al per ampule; 0.1 mg/mL merthiolate was added as preservative.
Other sources of aluminum may include antacids, drinking water, and common food additives such as sodium aluminum phosphate, an ingredient in baking powder and commercially processed baked goods.
Alum binds to phosphate, forming aluminum phosphate, which is less susceptible to losses in runoff.
Levona is novel in that it offers comparable controlled release to current agents in the market, for example sodium aluminum phosphate or sodium acid pyrophosphate.
But xenon did appear in cavities containing aluminum phosphate, a uranium-flee mineral.
Each dose of Twinrix contains at least 720 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays units of inactivated hepatitis A virus and 20 mcg of recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) protein, with 0.45 mg of aluminum in the form of aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate as adjuvants, 5.0 mg 2-phenoxyethanol as a preservative, and pH stabilizer in normal saline.
Aluminum phosphate more frequently produced complete relief of moderate to severe heartburn at 60 minutes compared with placebo (P [is less than] .001; number needed to treat [NNT] = 2.1 for mild heartburn and 20 for severe).[5] Patients who received a combination of magnesium and aluminum hydroxide for 7 days had no more relief of symptoms than the placebo group.[6] Atlay and colleagues[7] found that sodium bicarbonate significantly reduced reflux symptoms compared with placebo (P=.021; NNT=6.0).