aluminum chloride

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aluminum chloride

[ə′lüm·ə·nəm ′klȯr‚īd]
(inorganic chemistry)
AlCl3 or Al2Cl6 A deliquescent compound in the form of white to colorless hexagonal crystals; fumes in air and reacts explosively with water; used as a catalyst.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Just as no dermatologist would prescribe isotretinoin for acne without understanding its mechanism of action, so should physicians know how aluminum chloride works to be able to use it effectively, he said.
The study of histological structures of testis in the Aluminum chloride intoxicated rats showed that after two weeks of administration (Fig.
(2008) had studied the use of aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride and poly aluminum chloride in turbidity removal from drinking water.
Active treatment begins with an aluminum chloride hexahydrate anhidrotic.
However, 57% of the aluminum chloride solution users complained of skin irritation following the hike, compared with only 6% of placebo users, according to study results.
Aluminum chloride products should be applied nightly until patients see improvement, and then they can decrease the frequency of use.