Aluminum Hydride

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Aluminum Hydride


(AIH3)X, a compound of aluminum and hydrogen, a white noncrystalline substance that decomposes at temperatures greater than 105°C, with the separation of hydrogen. First obtained in 1942 through the process of glow discharge in a solution of trimethylaluminum and hydrogen, aluminum hydride is capable of forming binary hydrides with the composition MeHn.nAlH3 (where Me is a metal) called alumohydrides, or alanates. These are white, solid substances, soluble in ether, that dissociate in water with the separation of hydrogen. Alumohydrides are widely used in organic chemistry as hydrogenizing agents. Lithium alumohydride—LiAlH4—is a fast-acting, strong, and selective reducing agent. In inorganic synthesis it is used to obtain volatile hydrides of boron, aluminum, silicon, germanium, tin, and other elements.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
If the military should ever allow a non-JP8 fuel on the battlefield, Shah said he sees great promise in aluminum hydride, also known as "alane." CERDEC has provided funding to develop a system using the fuel.
One of the most promising materials, sodium aluminum hydride (NaAl[H.sub.4]) is the most widely studied complex metal hydride material.
Washington, July 7 (ANI): Researchers at the US Department of Energy's Savannah River National Laboratory (SNRL) have created a reversible route to generate aluminum hydride, a high capacity hydrogen storage material.
Just 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm, the fuel cell generates hydrogen by pushing water vapor through a lithium aluminum hydride membrane.
Subsequent LAH (lithium aluminum hydride) reduction of the carboxylic acid groups provided the chiral L-threitol derivative 6 in good yield.
In fact, using isobutyl aluminum hydride, we have succeeded in the rapid, highly selective, low environmental load production of various kinds of aldehydes as intermediate materials for curative medicines from various kinds of esters.
According to FSEC, Slattery, a graduate of the Florida Institute of Technology and the first woman to win the FSEC award, has pursued hydrogen storage innovations using magnesium hydride, lanthanum magnesium hydride and lithium aluminum hydride.
In the first of the project's two phases, scientists and engineers will analyze various storage tank designs and components that are based around sodium aluminum hydride, aka sodium alanate.
Ingredients may include ephedrine, sodium hydroxide, red phosphorus, sulfuric acid, lithium, aluminum hydride, chloroform, alcohols, ethers, mercuric chloride, and hydrochloric acid.
Using this microreactor, the Research Institute has succeeded in producing aldehydes from esters and isobutyl aluminum hydride in a rapid, highly-selective and less environmentally demanding manner.