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Valletta (vəlĕtˈə), city (1994 est. pop. 9,129), capital of Malta, NE Malta. It is strategically located on a rocky promontory between two deep harbors. Dockyards line the harbors and employ more workers than any other industry. Tourism is also an important industry. A 16th-century town, with many relics of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem (the Knights Hospitalers, or Knights of Malta), Valletta contains a 16th-century cathedral, the old governor's palace, the Royal Univ. (1769), a National Museum of Fine Arts, and a library with a museum of antiquities. The city was severely damaged by air raids in World War II.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



capital of Malta, situated on the northeastern coast of the island of Malta, on a rocky peninsula between two natural Mediterranean inlets, Marsamxett and Grand Harbor. The climate is mediterranean, with hot dry summers and mild rainy winters (minimum temperature, 4°C; maximum, 36°C). Annual precipitation, approximately 500 mm. Population, 15,600 (1970; with suburbs, 140,800).

Founded in the 1550’s, Valletta was named after the Grand Master of the Order of St. John, J. Parisot de La Valette. During World War II (1939-45) the city was severely damaged by German and Italian bombing raids.

Valletta is an international port, a junction for Mediterranean trade, and a commercial center. Its fueling transit base and shipyards employ a considerable portion of the city’s inhabitants. Valletta is the site of a university (founded in 1592) and the National Museum of Malta (founded in 1905). Valletta is a tourist center.

Valletta has retained its rectangular plan; some of the streets lead into stairways. The forts of Sant’ Elmo and Sant’ Angelo, as well as several other 16th-century fortifications, have been preserved. Architectural monuments include the late-renaissance Italian Court (16th century; architect G. Cassar), the hospital of the order (c. 1580), and St. John’s Cathedral (1573-75; architect, G. Cassar); the baroque Palace of the Grand Masters (mid-17th century; architect, B. Ganga da Urbino), the II Gèsu church (early 17th century; architect, F. Buonamici da Lucca), and the Church of San Giacomo (c. 1710; architect, G. Barbara); and the classical library (1786-96; architect, S. Ittar).


Zammit, T. Valletta, 3rd ed. Malta, 1929.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


, Valetta
the capital of Malta, on the NE coast: founded by the Knights Hospitallers, after the victory over the Turks in 1565; became a major naval base after Malta's annexation by Britain (1814). Pop.: 84 000 (2005 est.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
BRUSSELS, Nov 10 (KUNA) -- The human rights organisation Amnesty International issued Tuesday a stark warning to all leaders attending the EU-Africa summit on migration in Valetta, Malta, tomorrow about the dangers posed by border and migration management agreements that fail to include human rights safeguards.
Valetta, Malta, July 31, 2015 --( Game.IO is proud to announce that the super casual games previously announced are now released and available to dowload.
Two weeks ago in Valetta, Malta. The artwork in St John's Co-Cathedral is out of this world.
The ship was bound for Alexandria in Egypt but violent storms forced a turnaround to Valetta, Malta, on December 14.
23-25: Outlook 2009 Personal Care Products Conference, Grand HOtel Excelsior, Valetta, Malta: EDANA, 32-2-734-93-10; Fax: 32-2-733-35-18;;
LAST SUP: The Pub pub in Valetta, Malta, where Ollie suffered a heart attack; HEARTBROKEN: Daughter Sarah Reed at her father's funeral; FAVOURITE PUB: Ollie enjoyed the craic in O'Brien's Bar, Churchtown; IN MEMORY: His gravestone inscription reads "He made the air move"; CORTEGE: The actor's coffin is carried to his final resting place; LARGER THAN LIFE: Oliver Reed was known for his drinking binges and hellraising
LAMY at the Trade ministerial meeting with the applicant countries (May 31 - June 2, Valetta, Malta)..JJ:(RMM)
The EU will hold a summit in Valetta, Malta, in November with key African countries and international organisations, said the EU Commissioner, and added that he will travel soon to Niger with French Interior Minister Cazeneuve and others to discuss the setting up of a first pilot multi-purpose centre for refugees there.
Valetta, Malta, February 03, 2011 --( It's hard to believe that it's February already.
The son of a naval officer, Commander Geoffrey Warburton DSO RN, was christened on board a submarine in Grand Harbour, Valetta, Malta.