Valerius Maximus

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Valerius Maximus

Valerius Maximus (vəlērˈēəs măkˈsĭməs), c.20 B.C.–c.A.D. 50, Roman author. Little is known of his life. His Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX [nine books of memorable deeds and sayings] was written c.A.D. 30 and is a miscellany of anecdotes about a variety of subjects. The work was widely popular, especially as a source for writers and orators.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Valerius Maximus


Lived during the first century A.D. Roman writer.

Valerius Maximus is the author of the collection Memorable Deeds and Sayings (in nine books), which he wrote during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. This collection was intended primarily for rhetoricians and contained historical examples that could be used in composing speeches. In the works of Valerius Maximus one encounters factual material derived from sources that are no longer extant.


Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX. Published by C. Kempf. Leipzig, 1888.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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After Caia Afrania, a Roman senator's wife, insists she be allowed to represent others before the Roman magistrate--unheard of at the time--male writer Valerius Maximus describes her voice as an "unnatural yapping" and a "bark."
Printed Renaissance Commentaries on Valerius Maximus (1470-1600).
The statue, attested in Book 1 of Valerius Maximus's Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium, has not survived.
In her comparative study 'Translating Lucretia', Catherine Leglu examines the idea of 'ethical non-indifference' in Simon de Hesdin's treatment of the Lucretia story in his translation of Valerius Maximus's Facta et dicta memorabilia, and in the manuscript illustrations accompanying it.
PONTEFRACT: 2.30 Angaric, 3.00 Valerius Maximus, 3.30 Frontline Girl, 4.00 Gouray Girl, 4.30 Rare Ruby, 5.00 Highland Park, 5.30 Alsahil, 6.05 Glenmuir.
NAOMI MATTHEW: 2.30 Angaric, 3.00 Valerius Maximus, 3.30 Frontline Girl, 4.00 GOURAY GIRL (NAP), 4.30 Rare Ruby, 5.00 Highland Park, 5.30 Alsahil, 6.05 Glenmuir.
PONTEFRACT: 2.30 Angaric, 3.00 Valerius Maximus, 3.30 Frontline Girl, 4.00 GOURAY GIRL (NAP), 4.30 Rare Ruby, 5.00 Highland Park, 5.30 Alsahil, 6.05 Glenmuir.
Valerius Maximus (2.35) will have benefited from his recent debut at Windsor.
YORK: 2.00 Common Touch, 2.35 VALERIUS MAXIMUS (NAP), 3.10 Sunnyside Tom, 3.45 Hitchens, 4.20 Simonside, 4.50 Fishforcompliments, 5.20 Silent Applause.
VALERIUS Maximus looked a winner waiting to happen when second on debut and he has been found the perfect opportunity to go one better in the EBF Maiden at York tomorrow.