
Related to Valerin: valerian


n.1.(Chem.) A salt of valeric acid with glycerin, occurring in butter, dolphin oil, etc., and forming an oily liquid with a slightly unpleasant odor.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Planning advisor Valerin O'Shea said building at the St James's site would be an "unmitigated disaster".
The company owned this position to its well-known and trusted brands such as Herbapect and Herbapect Junior in herbal/traditional cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies, Valerin in herbal/traditional sleep aids products and Lokomotiv in herbal/traditional digestive remedies.
Luis Salazar, Leonel Delgado, Yonder Guzman, Edgar Chinchilla, Carlos Canales and Diego Valerin helped us during the fieldwork, and Raquel Romero-Chaves (UNIP-CIMAR, UCR) prepared the distribution maps, which is greatly appreciated.
(1999); American College of Sports Medicine (2000); Kim (2009) y Valerin y Sanchez (2004), la disminucion de la ansiedad y depresion, sobre todo para el aumento en el rendimiento del trabajo y en las actividades deportivas y recreativas, es producto de la participacion en actividades fisicas en el tiempo libre.
Fans can read "The Wedding of Antansia Jessica Packwood and Lucius Valerin Vladescu," posted on the author's website (, or they can also jump right into this new novel without a problem.
After seeing her 51kg semi-final against Italy's Valerin Pefrancesco stopped in the fourth round, when she had a lead of 26-1, she produced a breathtaking display to beat Spanish champion Sandra Silver 7-0 in the final.