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References in classic literature ?
"Monsieur will no doubt hear with pleasure that Blaisois's son is gone on horseback, to gain an hour over the courier of Blois," replied his valet de chambre .
After glancing over the valet's references, he said, "I haven't time enough to speak to you this evening.
He had consequently ordered Bernouin, his valet de chambre, to bring him a little traveling-desk, so that he might write in bed.
Next morning when the valet came into the room with his coffee, Pierre was lying asleep on the ottoman with an open book in his hand.
I had expected that the valet would be dismissed when I appeared, but nothing of the sort happened.
An old proverb says, "Like master, like man." Let us pass, then, from the valet of Athos to the valet of Porthos, from Grimaud to Mousqueton.
"You get better acquainted with Hardyman's valet. Lend him money if he wants it--stick at nothing to make a bosom friend of him.
Henry Westwick was here (I have this from the valet, too) he occupied the room his brother died in (without knowing it), like you.
The valet went out of the room, this time by the centre door, but still as silently as before; one might have fancied him an apparition.
how like he is to the deputy prosecutor Sventitsky," said one of the guests in French of the valet, while Vronsky, frowning, read the letter.
On the third, being able to sit up in his bedchamber, he despatched his valet with a message to Mr.
"I never speak to his excellency," replied the concierge; "the valet de chambre will carry your message." The groom returned to the carriage.