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, valetudinary
1. a person who is or believes himself to be chronically sick; invalid
2. a person excessively worried about the state of his health; hypochondriac
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Hypochondria and fixation-hysteria are contained within a single heading in the notes, as though the two diagnoses exist necessarily in tandem with one another: "the hypocondriac [sic] is above all sensitive about internal organs, chiefly intestinal canal" and for this patient "the threshold to be passed by sensations emanating from internal organs is abnormally low, so that the subject is unduly sensitive to any changes in them & concentrates his attention on the interior of his body, with consequent proneness to valetudinarianism" (TS10971_8, 21-22).
According to the company, research has indicated that the ingredients of the Ginshen Wubao, TongLi's exclusive patented product, can support human immunity, especially for aged people and valetudinarianism. Also, Ginshen Wubao has significant benefits to improve amnesia and insomnia.
Woodhouse demonstrates his inability to stray from his preoccupations--cautious valetudinarianism and uncritical love of his daughter.