
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a sandy desert region in the Sahara, in southwestern Algeria and northern Mali. The Chech is situated in the lowlands between the plateaus of El Eglab and Tanezrouft. Dunes up to 300 m high are common in the northern part. South of 25°, chains of dunes about 50 m high fan out toward the west. Annual precipitation totals less than 10 mm. There are practically no springs or wells.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
[DELTA]Cash is the change in cash and cash equivalents (chech), and Div is cash dividends (dv).
Recently in February at the 2019 Dubai Tennis Championships, the Taiwan-Czech duo also won the women's double tournament, after an exciting championship match up against Chech athlete, Lucie Hradecka, and Ekaterina Makarova from Russia, after defeating fellow Taiwanese Chan sisters in the semi-finals.
Kyrgyzstan created favorable conditions for attracting and usage of foreign investments, therefore Czech companies are interested in cooperation with Kyrgyzstan, since Chech Republic is facing lack of highly experienced human resources, said Novakova.
In the western word, Transparency International lists these European countries as the most corrupt: France, Poland, Isreal, Spain, Chech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Italy, and Turkey (most corrupt within Europe).
Trump in America, Duterte in the Philippines, Kurz in Austria, Babis of the Chech Republic, and several others) are getting elected that embrace this view of Separation.
The Church Times Health Chech (Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2014); and Bob Morris, "Alternative Futures for Formal Church Establishment: Two Case Studies from the UK" in Francois Guesnet, Cecile Laborde & Lois Lee (eds), Negotiating Religion: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (London: Routledge, 2016).
Pakistan's founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah had fallen out with Chiang Kai Chech over the latter's questioning of the advisability of Partition, and though a gift of two priceless Ming vases were offered to breach the heal, the new country did not hesitate in holding out its hands towards Chiang's rival.
John Thomson of Celtic sustaining a fatal head injury and more recently Chelsea's Petr Chech's.
Buffalo Chech wallpaper by Weavingmajor, from $5/sq.
(73) Dana Littlefield, Online Presence of Jurors Called Fair Game; Lawyers Association Issues Guidelines on Social Media Chech, The San Diego Union-Tribune, May 4, 2014, at A-8, available at NewsBank, Rec.