Chebyshev filter

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Chebyshev filter

[′cheb·ə·shəf ‚fil·tər]
A filter in which the transmission frequency curve has an equal-ripple shape, with very small peaks and valleys.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In [6], a magic-T with imbedded Chebyshev filter response is developed with a multilayer, low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) technology, which is popular due to its low dielectric loss, high material reliability and compatibility, and high level of robustness.
With a sufficiently-high degree Chebyshev filter polynomial f(x), cos [theta](f(A)x, [u.sub.1]) [approximately equal to] 1 for any x.
However, the symmetrical even-order Chebyshev filter prototype with equal I/O admittance is constructed in [19], and based on this, a detailed synthesis method for Chebyshev bandpass filter with J/K inverters and [lambda]/4 resonator is proposed in [20].
The first tuning example is a four-order cross-coupled filter with two finite transmission zeros; and the second tuning example is a six-pole Chebyshev filter. Both of the examples show the validity of the technique presented in this paper.
The first tuning example is a six-order cross-coupled filter with two finite transmission zeros; and the second tuning example is an eight- pole Chebyshev filter. Both of the example show the validity of the technique presented in this paper.
With respect to the Chebyshev filter design equation the orders of filter have obtain to n = 5 and lamped elements prototype for equivalent low pass filter with 0.5 dB ripple by considering [g.sub.0] = 1, [g.sub.n+1] = 1 and w' = 1 are extracted from [1].
The designed filter is a 4th-order Chebyshev filter with cutoff frequency 0.1 in the normalized frequency domain.
In this paper we propose to measure energy of specific motor imageries in the brain signal using Fast Hartley transform along with the Chebyshev filter and selecting the ideal channels for the classification problem using the proposed support vector machine.
This figure represents the amplitude response (a) and the phase response (b) of a Chebyshev filter and its linear interpolations via the real (dashed-dotted plot) and complex (dashed plot) interpolations.
However, by using zeros in the transfer function, it is possible to create a filter with higher selectivity, compared to the selectivity of Chebyshev filter of the same order and higher Q-factor.