cable car

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cable car

1. a cabin suspended from and moved by an overhead cable in a mountain area
2. a cableway
3. a passenger car on a cable railway
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Hokkaido's most southern city of Hakodate viewed from the cablecar to Mount Hakodate
<B An artist's impression of how the new cablecar above Swansea could look Chris Pyke
On the night of our arrival, May 21, Eve went with most of the group to the hotel on the hill reached by cablecar, planning to return by funicular.
It was as if the waves of the ocean were coming towards me, billowing as they came.' Buildings lurched to and fro, roofs and chimneys caved in, people were thrown out of their beds, windows smashed, the cablecar tracks twisted and cracks opened in the pavements.
The Rigi's sports and holiday region, which covers about 90 square km, is car free, with access only by cablecar or cog wheel railway, so it's safe for children.
The city has begun building small parks and wide, landscaped walkways below the cablecar lines, and the desire for improvement seems to be spreading throughout the barrios.
The torso of a broad shouldered man flows seamlessly from the fabric of an old-fashioned armchair, a mountain goat is half-transformed into a descending cablecar, and a powerfully-built stag sprouts electric lamps instead of antlers.
Libya argues that victims' compensation be based on the precedent of America's payment to the survivors of the Iranian airliner downed in 1988 and the cablecar that fell in the Italian Alps in 1999, when an American warplane severed its cable.
Most tourists will, of course, want to walkup or ride-up the cablecar to the summit of Table Mountain at least once during their stay.
Sur le mouton sautent les puces On the sheep jump the fleas Avec le train roulent les wagons With the train go the carriages Dans la cabine montent les skieurs In the cablecar climb the skiers Sur la neige glissent les voitures On the snow slip the cars
It is one of Germany's most historic places and we took it in via a cablecar ride.
Early-stage plans for a PS100m cablecar network above the skies of Cardiff and out over Cardiff Bay to Penarth are very much welcomed.