cable television

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cable television

cable television, the transmission of televised images to viewers by means of coaxial cables. Cable systems receive the television signal, which is sent out over cables to individual subscribers, by a common antenna (CATV) or satellite dish. Early cable systems developed in the late 1940s to improve reception of commercial programming in rural areas. In the 1960s, cable systems expanded to large urban areas, where reception can also be poor, and the cable television industry began introducing its own networks, such as Home Box Office (HBO), founded in 1972, to provide programming exclusively to subscribers. Beginning in 1975, cable networks began distributing their shows to local cable operators via satellite, thus increasing the amount of programming available nationally. Heavily regulated in their early years, cable systems in many instances were required to provide channels for community access programming, and rate increases were controlled by local authorities. The financial problems caused by the high cost of wiring cities for cable led to legislation deregulating the industry in 1984. Cable operators were able to set their own rates until 1992, when complaints about the industry's monopoly power led to new legislation that gave the Federal Communications Commission the authority to limit rate increases.

During the 1980s and early 90s, the growing number of cable networks, improved programming, increased channel capacity (which reached 150 in some systems by 1992), and greater freedom in terms of programming content greatly expanded the industry. There now are more than 5,200 operating cable systems and some 660 cable operators in the United States serving some 53 million television subscribers. Viewers pay a monthly fee for a package of cable television programming, known as basic cable, and additional monthly fees for networks such as HBO, which are known as pay TV services. Cable television offers a wide variety of specialized programming, including channels devoted to specific interests, such as news, sports, movies, business information, weather, cooking, home shopping, and family viewing. It can also transmit programs from foreign cities, such as the proceedings of the British House of Commons. The industry finances its programming from subscriber fees and advertising revenue. New technologies, such as fiber optics, digital compression, and interactive television, allow cable operators to offer more programming choices and services. The cable lines installed by cable operators are also used to provide broadband Internet access, telephone service, burglar- and fire-alarm protection, and high-quality radio broadcasts to the homes of subscribers.


See G. Mair, Inside HBO (1984); T. Baldwin, Cable Communications (1988).

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

cable television

[′kā·bəl ′tel·ə‚vizh·ən]
A television program distribution system in which signals from all local stations and usually a number of distant stations are picked up by one or more high-gain antennas amplified on individual channels, then fed directly to individual receivers of subscribers by overhead or underground coaxial cable. Also known as community antenna television (CATV).
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Networks: National Cable Television Association, Cab/e Television Developments, Spring/Summer 2000.
* Communication and negotiation with relevant organizations about cable television broadcasting business.
The five-year license for the city's cable television franchise expires next March.
In 2006, Johnson, the cable television maverick who founded BET, hammered out a deal with Miramax founders Bob and Harvey Weinstein to develop Our Stories Films, a company charged with the development of movies for African American audiences.
"But for now we have one ceiling for reasons of income," he says, "and another, artificial ceiling because of the limited number of cable television and telephone connections."
"By adding cable television to our service mix, we will now be able to provide a complete turnkey solution, including voice, video and data to many of our customers," said Paul Waits, president of Ritter Communications.
The totals represent magazine, newspaper and network, spot, syndicated, Spanish-language and cable television spending.
Since forming the book club and producing the cable television show that reaches over 400,000 viewers, Barnett has helped to foster a newfound recognition for Margaret Walker.
The complex has approximately 7,500 network drops, which are primarily used for data, and to deliver the center's 22-channel cable television network, called HealthNet, to 13 offices and classrooms in three of its buildings.
According to the barometer, 45% of the households have online access while 42% have cable television or a satellite dish.
The NXT2004 VSB/QAM (vestigial side band/quadrature amplitude modulation) Receiver is designed for a variety of applications including off-air and digital cable television receivers, set-top boxes, PCDTV and datacast applications where cost, low power and industry leading performance are a must.