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Abbrev. for Astronomical Netherlands Satellite.
Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006


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(ANS Communications, Inc, Purchase, NY) An ISP, Internet backbone and provider of private data network services, founded in 1990 as Advanced Network & Services, Inc., by IBM, MCI and Merit (consortium of Michigan universities). The original ANS was formed as a non-profit network services provider for NFSnet, but later added commercial customers through its for-profit ANS CO+RE (COmmercial REsearch) subsidiary.

In 1995, ANS CO+RE was acquired by AOL and changed its name to ANS Communications. The non-profit arm of Advanced Network & Services ( moved into Internet-based education. In 1997, WorldCom acquired ANS from AOL and completely absorbed it into its UUNET Internet subsidiary. In 2004, WorldCom emerged from bankruptcy as MCI.
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