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References in classic literature ?
`for this sort of nonsense will not do for me,'--then obviously, that is your way of putting the question, no one can answer you.
But what if I give you an answer about justice other and better, he said, than any of these?
"My answer to both questions is 'No!'" Aynesworth said a little stiffly.
SOCRATES: And if I went on to say: That is what I desire to know, Meno; tell me what is the quality in which they do not differ, but are all alike;--would you be able to answer?
``Yet I pray thee, do mine errand to the lord of the castle,'' answered the pretended friar; ``trust me it will find good acceptance with him, and the cock shall crow, that the whole castle shall hear him.''
This was my indictment, and I specifically and at length challenged you to answer it.
"Reginald," she said, "you are like the whirlwind - and how can I answer you in five minutes!"
"Nay," she answered, lifting her head, "it will be but begun.
"I would not," answered Nightingale, "undergo the pain of taking leave, for ten thousand pounds; besides, I am convinced, instead of answering any good purpose, it would only serve to inflame my poor Nancy the more.
"I am surprised!" answered the Marionette, very much offended.
"At present, no, madam," the clerk answered. "The affair, as you will see if you read further, is an exceedingly mysterious one."
She answered him slowly, subjecting him the while to a somewhat close examination.