
answAnswers Corporation (stock symbol)
answAthletics New South Wales (Australia)
answAncient Semi Natural Woodland
answAncient Numismatic Society of Washington (Washington, DC)
answAnimated Sword (gaming)
answAdams, Nye, Sinunu, Walker LLP (law firm)
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References in periodicals archive ?
``We feel there will be no answ er to this problem at the current rate of expenditure and the current rate of progress on bypasses and toll roads.
There was great excitement in the crowd, who gave a round of loud applause each time the teams answ ered or anticipated the question correctly.
Here mealtimes provide an opportunity where parents and offspring establish a pattern of questions and answ ers, which represents and rehearses the power relationship between adults and children.
(8) Helsinger begins her analysis by correctly observing that "Much of the criticism of "Goblin Market" treats its story of buying and selling [...] as the figurative dress for a narrative of spiritual temptation, fall, and redemption." But she then asks "what happens if instead we read the figure as the subject?" The answ er is that the poem becomes an example of Rossetti's "persistent inclination to consider tales of female love and desire as caught up in the operations of a contemporary economics that extends to sex and marriage" and her wish to raise "the possibility of a utopian place for woman outside the marketplace" (189, 190, 214).
Answ. Merely to elude the patent which gives the King's printer and the two universities an exclusive privilege of printing Bibles without notes' (xli.
But insiders already say that the questions raised by HHS are simply too broad to be answ red in eight months.
I am verydemanding." Emery was cagey tha every st under m very, v Em ov Rjo su em follo one of th He ad to answ racism agains in Italy.
"She thought she was getting me back and we would have weekends together and go to weddings and stuff anSw and all of a sudden Saturdays are a write-off for her again, but she's well used to it now."
Cook also addressed students in theAaAaAeAeAaAeAeA Philosophical Society and answ questions posed by audience members.
ALAN TAMAN, Communications Officer at Birmingham Children's Hospital, answ ers the questions that worried parents are asking