[Asking for Info] Login Verification enabled, but Apex shows its not

by yollopod

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[Asking for Info] Login Verification enabled, but Apex shows its not

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

When gifting was first introduced, I activated my login verification so that I would be able to use it if I ever wanted to, but the game wouldn't acknowledge it and still has the option to gift locked. I just left it because I didn't care too much, but now this issue is potentially going to lock me out of getting the reactive flatline. I've tried restarting the game and turning verification off and on again but neither of these changed anything 

Message 1 of 184 (21,411 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: I can’t gift in apex even tho I have login verification enabled

Community Manager

Thank you for your patience as we have been looking into this issue. We have noticed some disconnect between the accounts you are trying to gift from and the accounts that have Login Verification turned on, so we would like to give you some information to ensure that you have Login Verification enabled on the correct EA account.


Login and check your EA account:

  1. Open an incognito browser window
  2. Log into your EA account and go to the Account management page
  3. Check your "connections" page
    1. You should see all of your linked platforms on this page, if you do not see your linked platform, then you are logged into the wrong EA account. 

If you don't see the platform you're playing from:

This means you most likely have two EA accounts and the account you are playing from, doesn't have Login Verification turned on, lets fix that.

  1. Log out of your account and close the browser
  2. Open a new incognito browser window
  3. Log into your EA account, this time use the individual platform login buttons
    1. For example, if you play on Xbox, click the Xbox icon and sign in using your Xbox ID
  4. Check your "connections" page and confirm you see your platform link
  5. Go to the "security" page
  6. Ensure Login Verification is turned on


If your platforms show correctly:

  1. Go to the "security" page
  2. Ensure Login Verification is turned on

Once you have confirmed that the EA account where your platform account (Xbox, Playstation, Steam, etc) is linked has login verification turned on, then open Apex Legends and check to see whether you can gift. 


If you still facing the same issue after double-checking that everything is correct with Login Verification, then please post the following information:

  • Your username
  • Your platform (i.e. Xbox, Steam, PlayStation, Switch, etc.)
  • Roughly when Login Verification was enabled on your account
  • Screenshot showing Login Verification is enabled from your EA account page: https://myaccount.ea.com/cp-ui/security/index (please block any personal details)
  • Screenshot from the in-game gifting window showing that gifting is blocked by Login Verification


Accepted as Solution for visibility purposes only



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Message 117 of 184 (21,234 Views)

All Replies

I can’t gift in apex even tho I have login verification enabled

★★★ Newbie

Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) Xhaunty_
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Player Profile
When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm) 14/02/24
Summarize your bug I can’t use the gifting system in apex for some reason, I did what it asked but nothing.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try it on a new account
What happens when the bug occurs? Nothing
What do you expect to see? I’m able to gift after a few days, I don’t wanna lose the gifting streak and not get the wraith skin and the weapon Frown


Message 2 of 184 (21,405 Views)

Cant gift

★★★ Newbie

Can’t gift to friend in apex even though he is online and I have verification on

Message 3 of 184 (21,373 Views)

I have activated gift verification but it says i haven't ea support couldnt help

★★ Newbie

Does anybody know what to do I have activated gift verification but when i click to gift it says i need to activate it and gives me the link and barcode but it just says turn off does anybody know what to do 

Message 4 of 184 (21,245 Views)

Gifting bug

★★★ Newbie

With the new season there are free gifts and me and my friend wanted to gift each other. We are friends on apex for more then a year and have never been banned. But everytime we click on the gift we don't see each other. I checked about a 100 times if we where friends on apex and we are! so im not sure what the problem is. I can see other friends that don't even play the game anymore so im not sure whats wrong. I really would love a solution because there are challenges bind to it. Does anyone else also have this problem if so they really should look into it. 

Message 5 of 184 (21,268 Views)

Login verification is on, Apex asks to turn it on regardless for gifting

★★ Novice

Login verification is on, yet iapex still tells me to turn it on to enable gifting as if i hadnt already. I even talked to ea customer support and they told me to post here. I need this fixed before the event ends 

Message 6 of 184 (21,279 Views)

Re: I have activated gift verification but it says i haven't ea support couldnt

★★★ Newbie
@Typhol7586 Same I’ve had the problem for awhile but i want to gift the free stuff now and it won’t let me please let me know if you fix this
Message 7 of 184 (21,217 Views)

Login verification not working

★★★ Newbie

Installed Apex Legends from Steam, connected with EA app.

trying to get "login verification" to unable gifting, went through all the steps in the guide(how to turn on login verification), turned it on, went back to game, still can't gift, gifting button is same as it was, closed. I repeated the guide 5 times, still doesn't work.


Help please  

Message 8 of 184 (21,284 Views)

Re: I have activated gift verification but it says i haven't ea support couldnt

★★★ Newbie

I’ve been trying to figure this out as well. I ran through all the steps and still nothing. Won’t let me gift anything what so ever. I even went back to see if I missed anything but nope. It just says to turn off when I already have it turned on. 

Message 9 of 184 (21,187 Views)

Re: I can’t gift in apex even tho I have login verification enabled

★★★ Newbie

I'm having the exact same issue on PC. I don't know if it takes a few days to activate? I just turned on account verification yesterday and today when I logged into Apex it still wasn't working....I have a bunch of friends on my account and I've been playing since season 1 so idk what's the issue. I followed all the steps for the gifting..

Message 10 of 184 (21,268 Views)