[Asking for Info] Login Verification enabled, but Apex shows its not

by yollopod

Original Post

need help gifting in apex legends

★★ Novice

While trying to gift a skin it shows me in the gift section that i dont have any friends is it because i havent made friends in EA account for atleast 2 weeks or maybe because my account is not in good standing because of  3-4 hate speech which are over a year old?

Message 11 of 184 (7,108 Views)


★★★ Newbie

I'm logging in with my 2 factor authentication app but the game still tells me to turns it on, it's been 2 days 

Message 12 of 184 (7,008 Views)

Login verification is on but I still can’t send gifts over apex legends

★★★ Newbie

I have my login verification on but I still can’t send gifts , I did it 3 times and I put the game off and on but it still won’t work 

Message 13 of 184 (7,032 Views)

Re: I have activated gift verification but it says i haven't ea support couldnt

★★★ Newbie

i have had this same issue and trying to gift things but it just tells me to follow some steps which don't work

Message 14 of 184 (6,991 Views)

Re: Login verification activated but game still tells me to activate it.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I've found a fix to this problem. If you guys play on steam, then when you go to log into EA.com to turn on login verification, make sure you sign in with the steam option at the top. Where the option to sign in with Xbox, PSN, and others, Steam is right there. Turn on login verification and when you restart game, it'll ask you to login. Just login with your steam as usual and you should see in the background of the small window your apex lobby, just press ESC and you should be able to gift poeple Standard smile The reason it wasnt working in the first place for me was because I was turning on Login Verification for the wrong EA account, which might have been caused by the cross progression. 

Message 15 of 184 (6,986 Views)

Re: Login verification activated but game still tells me to activate it.

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

[Asking for information]

Hey Everyone, 


Thanks for letting us know what you are running into with Apex Legends Gifting. 


If you are running into an error message with sending/receiving gifts, first follow the steps mentioned in our post here: Breakout Rewards Free Gifts - A Guide to sending gifts in Apex Legends


Make sure you have done the following:


If you continue running into an error or are unable to send/receive a gift let us know the following:


  • EA ID:
  • Which platform do you play on?
  • Are you getting an Error message?
  • Have you gone through the steps above?
  • Are you unable to send a gift or receive a gift? 
  • What item are you trying to send/receive? 
  • If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...



Accept as Solution button- If a post answers your question please let us and other players know by hitting this button.
Me Too button - 'Me Too' helps us track how many players are also experiencing that issue. Definitely make use of this button.
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Message 16 of 184 (6,962 Views)

Re: [Asking for Info] Login Verificatoin enabled, but Apex shows its not

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie


Did all the required steps and still facing the issue

Message 17 of 184 (6,893 Views)

Can’t Gift

★★ Newbie

Product: Apex Legends
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number 822829394
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Kyberjett
Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. IvyRexyRyder
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? Wrsith
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? Revenant
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Ahop
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Trying to gift
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 0
When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm) 15/2/24 5:35pm
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Minor impact to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? Can’t gift
What should be happening instead? Send gifts
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Look at my security settings and my account and see that it’s still not able to gift

Hi there, I have activated 2 types of security 2fa on my account and are still unable to gift on apex, I need to gift these free rewards but it won’t allow me saying I have to activate it still

Message 18 of 184 (6,846 Views)

login verification is not working.

★★★ Newbie

I have obviously done the login verification, so why did I click back to the gift-giving interface and ask me to do the login verification? I've been doing this for a day. Ask the boss for help.

Message 19 of 184 (6,801 Views)

Re: Can’t Gift

★ Guide

READ the requirements.


To send your friend a gift, you need to:


1_ Have EA Login Verification turned on,

2_ Be Level 10 or higher in Apex Legends,

3_ Have enough Apex Coins on your account for the gift,

4_ Add the person as a friend in-game,

5_ Be friends in-game for at least two weeks - platform friendships don't count,

6_ Have sent no more than five gifts in the past 24 hours,

7_ Have an account in good standing.



Your friend may show as ineligible if:


1_You haven't been in-game friends with them for at least two weeks - platform friendships don't count,

2_ Your friend’s account isn’t in good standing,

3_ There are regional requirements that prevent you from sending the gift to your friend.


Can't find friend in list Your friend may need to accept your friend request in-game.

Once they do, you can send them gifts once you've been friends in-game for at least two weeks.

If you're playing on PlayStation, Xbox, or Steam, you need to make sure you are friends in-game, not just on the platform.



Message 20 of 184 (6,815 Views)