Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

by vanguardep

Original Post

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Novice

I have already contacted an advisor on a live chat, and they are useless.  All they had to tell me was go to your local bank and talk with them. What are they going to know about buying BF4?  When I already know my card works fine on other programs like Steam and I have money and it IS activated.

Message 81 of 244 (1,328 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Novice

Exact thing happened with me too. Pre-ordered the game and them got my money refunded to me with the same error and I did try multiple cards as well.

So frustrating!

Message 82 of 244 (1,319 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Apprentice

lol seriously? they still blaming that it is our fault with the bank? are they messing with us? all of this people have the exact problem and they blame it is our bank card? Come On! Stop joking around and admit that this all EA problem NOT US! Jeez! There is nothing WRONG with our Bank cards! If we can used it on Steam OR any other online prgram, than what wrong with the picture here if we cant use it? >.>

Message 83 of 244 (1,311 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★ Novice

I'm starting to believe that the service of Steam it's much better, I think it's time to test COD Ghosts because EA doesn't want our money

Message 84 of 244 (1,304 Views)

We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. $10048]

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

Title says it all, I have been trying to purchase battlefield 4 for the last couple of days and i keep getting this message after confirming the purchase on origin.


I have tried using different browsers, computers, and make numerous calls to my bank to make sure that they are allowing the transaction to pass through but all fingers keep pointing to origin. Why? The automated system? Origin chat support can't figure it out and i'm just sitting here dumb founded as to why a simple purchase cannot be made.


It is very frusterating to see this error when you have sufficient funds and when your bank is saying that it is on origins end. I have had no issues using my card on Steam or any other purchases in general. Why does this have to be so difficult to purchase a game?


Please help.

Message 85 of 244 (1,146 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★ Novice

I see alot of US players who can get the game so maybe the issue is your outside the US kinda ghay imo hope they fix this issue soon 

Message 86 of 244 (1,672 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Novice

Having the same issue trying to purchase, now waiting for gamestop to process my order.

They only have the normal game, not the deluxe version, oh well. No China I guess for now lol.

Message 87 of 244 (1,662 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★★★ Novice

Да сделаёте что-нибуть, там люди уже во всю играют , а я тут сижу и жду когда грёбаная ЕА починит свой банкомат и я смогу отдать ей деньги , в CoD таких проблем нет ! 

Message 88 of 244 (1,591 Views)

Re: We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. $10048]

★★★★★ Novice

Да эта херня уже длиться неделю , я из за неё не купил предзаказ , хотя 1$ с карты списали. EA нехочет не чё делать походу она забила на эту проблему , пойду играть в CoD.

Message 89 of 244 (1,125 Views)

Re: We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. $10048]

★★ Novice

oo7b0nd try and get this one through your head without it exploding...


I'v have the same issue for the last 2 days and this afternoon Origin added a bundle deal, Game (standard) + Premium and when you try and order it you get "Sorry, this product is currently unavailable"...  WTF!!! They are aware there is a major issue with people trying to pay for BF4 as it is but they can add a new product (not that it works) but not fix the underlying problem...


I have tried every trick in the book to make the payment go through, re-entered my CC details, tried a different CC and changed my payment method to PayPal but still no luck... If anyone has any information as to what in the hell is going on or knows how to fix it please share because EA isn't...


EA please remove the thumb from you collective asses and fix the problems you already know about instead of just adding to them and how about keeping your CUSTOMERS (you know the people that give you money) apprased of what is going on instead of the silence we are currently getting...

Message 90 of 244 (1,117 Views)