Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

by vanguardep

Original Post

Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

Have contacted support several times, they're unable to provide any assistance beyond telling me to wait. Seeking further advice.

Message 53 of 244 (35,653 Views)

Pre-order Billing problem and waiting for something blur

★★★★ Novice

At 19th oct 2013 I was pre-ordered BF4 standard edition + premium membership and successfully I got the Order confirmation on my email right away..


Order number 1249020xxx


happily my bf4 showed up at my origin application with grayed icon saying "the game not released until 29th" it still normal..


Later on 21st I bought another deluxe + premium for my friend and succeed... (different account but I used my CC as payment)


sadly today 26th morning I received new email saying "Pre-Order billing problem"


saying "there seems to be an issue with your payment method that prevented this order from going through" bla bla bla


they told me to re-pre-order (you will not be charged twice.) only standard edition?


The funny thing is:


1. They only said (on 26th email) I was fail to pre-order only the standard edition, they don't even put my premium membership as fail, while its failed too in my order history.


2. I was successfully pre-order and they add the game to my origin mygames , today they removed it (of course because there was a problem)


3. While I was failed, the bf4 I bought for my friend wasn't failed he even successfully pre-load it today


4. If there's payment problem why now my friend doesn't have any problem while I used same payment method and bill information, I even pre-order mine sooner , also why did they inform me 1 week later


5.i've contacted support team and said they escalate to specialist team and wait for further email but they don't give me case number instead asking me to try with different creditcard


6.okay now it became worst they said my account FRAUD with different CC


7.again I contact another livechat with CS he said "I know ur problem and we're currently working with ur case, just wait"

 and again without case number "you got any question?" of course i don't cus im speechless. and send me an email saying my case been closed!

??? my case is not solved


8. Tried again to purchase, now it says "we unable to process your payment right now 10048" forum said its because EA server overload


the problem is I've pre-ordered it from long time before release date because I want to play it at D-Day

I've read through the forum sayin we have to wait for 3-5 days for specialist call while the game released in 1 day 18 hours

I don't even know if my case being worked seeing they case closed mine, while I had no luck to purchase again with this overload problem.


I feel like ive been queue to enter a music concert long time before its open and they let me pass and just about the show start the security kick me off and tell me to re-queue start over again with lonnnnngggg queue line (due to overload problem) to buy another ticket


at least make priority..




Message 1 of 244 (33,501 Views)

Re: Pre-order Billing problem and waiting for something blur

★★★★★ Novice

I'm also having a problem with pre-ordering BF4. I get a "Fraud" message too at checkout after putting my credit card information in.


I've already contacted EA Support and they were NOT helpful. They are forwarding it up to Billing.. blah blah blah

Message 2 of 244 (33,460 Views)

Error Payment by Paypal [ref. # 10048]

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Error # 10048

We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later.  

What's the problem??

Error Payment by Paypal

Message 3 of 244 (36,427 Views)

Re: Error Payment by Paypal [ref. # 10048]

Hero (Retired)


You should contact EA live adviser for payment and order issues https://help.ea.com/contact-us

Only Customer support has the needed tools and permissions to deal with account related enquireries.
This unfortunately means people here on Answer HQ will not be able to help you directly and I can only advice to contact Customer Service/Game Advisors.

Contact a Game Advisor...


Here's how:
1 Click on the following link: https://help.ea.com/contact-us
2 Make sure you are logged in (top right corner)
3 Click on the blue button "Contact a Game Advisor"
4 Enter the name of your game or product (or "Origin" for account-related issues) and click "Find Solutions"
5 Select the type of issue and the platform you play on, and click on "Find Solutions".
6 Click on the blue button "I still need help" if the FAQ articles do not apply to your situation.
7 Select a contact option. Note that you may get different contact options depending on your country.


Regards, Libever

Message 4 of 244 (36,368 Views)

Re: Pre-order Billing problem and waiting for something blur

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

I tried with many different friends CC, and still no luck, I even tried my friend's paypal which is successfully pre-order it 5 minutes before I try it for my account

IMO our account has been flagged.. as something.. and we cant pre-order until they let us


Well the sucks thing for me is why do they fail my pre-order from beginning instead 1 week later after order confirmation without any explanation


i don't really get it why they says i have payment problem... while i've succeed pre-order with same CC for my friend 2 days later

Message 5 of 244 (33,439 Views)

origin wont let me buy the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

i have been trying to buy the game since yesterday, it wont complete with my paypal ( which i have paid for about 14 games todate with the exact same details) nor will it take my credit card




this is the error i get and have been getting for the past 24hrs, from the looks of it loads of people also have the same issue, i just want to know if there will be a fix or will i not waste my time waiting and get it else where?

Message 6 of 244 (35,109 Views)

Re: origin wont let me buy the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hero (Retired)


You should contact EA live adviser for payment and order issues https://help.ea.com/contact-us

Only Customer support has the needed tools and permissions to deal with account related enquireries.
This unfortunately means people here on Answer HQ will not be able to help you directly and I can only advice to contact Customer Service/Game Advisors.

Contact a Game Advisor...


Here's how:
1 Click on the following link: https://help.ea.com/contact-us
2 Make sure you are logged in (top right corner)
3 Click on the blue button "Contact a Game Advisor"
4 Enter the name of your game or product (or "Origin" for account-related issues) and click "Find Solutions"
5 Select the type of issue and the platform you play on, and click on "Find Solutions".
6 Click on the blue button "I still need help" if the FAQ articles do not apply to your situation.
7 Select a contact option. Note that you may get different contact options depending on your country.


Regards, Libever

Message 7 of 244 (35,092 Views)

Re: origin wont let me buy the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!

★★★★ Novice

i was already onto them and they said it can take up to 7 days with a reply which is fairly pointless considering the game is out in a few days, i told them to cancel the case because its a waste of time 


like there is a error code #10048 surely they can figure out what the problem is from that instead of making people wait 7 days like


if its not sorted by 3-4 today im going somewhere else to get it and i wont be doing business with origin in the near future 2 days of headaches for me trying to give them my money is a joke 

Message 8 of 244 (35,082 Views)

Re: origin wont let me buy the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!

★★★★ Novice

this can be closed i have gone ahead and got the game from another vendor, using the details origin said were the problem in the first place ill stick with the other company from now on it was cheaper aswell

Message 9 of 244 (35,068 Views)