Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

by vanguardep

Original Post

Re: Can not purchase battlefield 4 on origin

★★ Novice

@ThePoolshark wrote:

no DD, but it does give you a $5 credit and 1 gold battlepack....which is better imo

Thank you so much if i had xp i would give i bought it no hassle thanks so much!

Message 20 of 244 (2,846 Views)

Re: Can not purchase battlefield 4 on origin

★★★ Newbie

i have been over this several times with EA help center and no fix. the chat personell cannot fix this. anyone else find a solution for purchasing inside origin?

Message 21 of 244 (2,786 Views)

Re: Can not purchase battlefield 4 on origin

★ Novice

Having the exact same issues with purchase.  EA rep says its the banks issue.  Nope card works fine for other things thus the issue is with EA.  Would be nice to purchase through the software and download like previous games. 

Message 22 of 244 (2,777 Views)

Re: Can not purchase battlefield 4 on origin

★ Novice

I have the same issue, couldn't verify my card. Damn it Origin, you have one job

Message 23 of 244 (2,848 Views)

Error buying BF4

★★★ Newbie

gett error #10048 when trying to buy bf4 digital deluxe

talked to custumer service anf got a link and deleted all cashe and settings in chrome and internet explorer

removed my billing info i origin and then retried to put it in again but still same error applies #10048

now i have 4 failed buys on bf4.

it has always worked for me before to buy games through origin.

but as it seems now i have to get it trough a sales store

as i don´t want to be billed several times for a game that i don´t get

Message 24 of 244 (2,956 Views)

Pre-Order Battlefield 4

★★★ Newbie

Hi guys!


I'm having trouble with pre-ordering Battlefield 4 Digital Deluxe. Apparently I keep trying with Paypal, it keep prompting me this message: We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. #10048]


What could be the problem?

Message 25 of 244 (3,088 Views)

Re: Pre-Order Battlefield 4

★★ Novice

Same issue here, I've been trying since yesterday for the preorder bonuses. 2 Cards were charged USD1 each and I've had no luck using paypal as well.

Message 26 of 244 (3,071 Views)

Re: Pre-Order Battlefield 4

★ Novice

I am also having the same issue. A friend of mine purchase the game for me as a early christmas present on the 06/10/2013. On the 27/10/2013 the game dissapeared from my library and my order status says a refund was given on 0.00$. I can confirm from myself or the friend who purchased the game no refund was requested. Apon trying to re buy the game now, i am getting the error factiongerald is getting the entire day.

Message 27 of 244 (3,063 Views)

Re: Pre-Order Battlefield 4

★★★ Newbie

Sorry to hear about your problems.


Same thinking here to benefit from the bonuses. I'm also afraid once the game launches, we won't enjoy such benefits. But this shouldn't be the case. It's frustrating to see it fail countless times. EA got to do something about this.


From BF3 forums to here, still no response from EA/DICE/Origin guys. We want to pay money for the game, but it's just not allowing us to.

Message 28 of 244 (3,058 Views)

Re: Pre-Order Battlefield 4

★★ Novice

same here.... getting very annoyed and irritated... worst thing is when i contacted ea support they asked me if i have sufficient funds in my bank account !!! pfft..

Message 29 of 244 (3,010 Views)