100% disk usage

by suedehead12

Original Post

100% disk usage

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

As of the last few days, I've noticed BF4 takes a little longer to load and it stutters like mad. I went to the task manager and was shocked to see disk usage at 100%. Up until this point, I was able to run the game on high and even ultra. I don't know what could be causing this. I've consulted a good amount of related posts but haven't found an adequate solution. Is there some kind of fix I can apply until the next patch?

Message 1 of 9 (16,059 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage

★★★ Novice

Ive noticed this too with my game,




^ in addition to all of that disk usage 100% and happened very recently. Played very smooth every time before this.


I'll link your post on mine too.

Message 2 of 9 (16,031 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage


Is it because of a memory leak like mentioned here: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Battlefield-4/Possible-solutions-INFO-REQUEST-NP-Pool-Memoryleak-PC-only/m-... ?

When the memory is filled the game could continue to read new data from the disk causing bad performance and 100% disk usage.

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Message 3 of 9 (16,025 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage

Champion (Retired)

As said this is MOST likely Global problem known as NP Pool Memory Link do you have any similarities with this? 



  • Non paged pool (NPP) memory gets filled up with garbage. Normally it's only filled up with around 200-300mb of data but after the memory leak happens it takes of the remainding memory causing BF4 and the system to grind to a hault. Due to the nature of NPP this garbage cannot be removed from occupying space in the memory until you reboot the system.
  • BF4.exe is not using more memory than normal, not the private working set or the paged pool
  • Example: Ive got 8GB of memory, during play 250MB of NPP memory is used, then the memory leak happens and suddenly 5.2GB of my memory is lost and being used for nothing due to this bug.

When does it happen:

  • The memory leak happens after mapchange, but otherwise somewhat random. The main trend is that mapchange causes the memoryleak and it then takes some time to fill up the memory depending on the speed and amount of memory.

Systems affected:

  • Win 8 (mostly 8.1)
  • Radeon HD 5xxx, HD6xxx, HD7xxx and R series
  • Very few Nvidia has said it affected them as well but is deemed unlikely as none would provide a screenshot showing it's the non paged pool






Please give me XP if I helped

Please mark as soloution if I solved the problem




Message 4 of 9 (16,016 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage

★★ Novice

Yeah, these are basically all the things that I'm seeing. I looked around online and saw that disabling Search and Superfetch helped for a few rounds, and it was running smoother than ever, but it just started lagging up again big time with extremely high disk usage. Do we have to wait for the next patch for the fix, most likely?

Message 5 of 9 (16,007 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage


If it's the non paged pool memory leak you are having then it's been there since release. It seems to pop up and then go away again randomly and it's mostly ignored by DICE so there's no estimated fix date. You should look through the link I posted above.

carbonic signature

Message 6 of 9 (16,002 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage

★ Novice

I found a working solution for me. I was having this issue every day and then I switched from 64bit to 32bit via origin BF4 game properties.  Right click BF4 in Origin "My Games" menu and select game properties. Then I checked to disable origin in game for BF4 and set the BF4 default client to x86 (32bit). Since doing so I have had none of the extreme frame drop and disk usage.  I'm thinking its something to do with how much memory is allocated for BF4. Only thing I've noticed is sometimes debris doesn't show up at great distances. 

Message 7 of 9 (15,859 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage

★★★ Newbie

Hi i have solve the problem !

Translate the solution :

Aller dans parametre --> Système --> parametre system avancé --> parametre et cocher ajuster afin d'obtenir les meilleurs performances

Ensuite ouvrer le gestionnaire de tâche et désactivé les applications inutiles au démarage comme one drive adobe etc..

Redemarrez l'ordinateur et c'est bon Standard smile

J'avais le problème de disque mais j'avais pas fait attention aussi que ma RAM était a 80% jeux éteint alors que j'ai 16GO de ram. Depuis que j'ai fait ca c'est niquel et je n'ai plus d'écriture dans le cache du jeux.

Message 8 of 9 (468 Views)

Re: 100% disk usage

As this thread is from 2015 so I'm going to have to close it to avoid further "necros".

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Message 9 of 9 (446 Views)