Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

by vanguardep

Original Post

Re: We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. $10048]

★★★ Newbie

Same issue.  I checked my bank statement online just to be sure that I had the money and under recent activities it states "10/30/2013 PENDING.  Electronic Arts Studio."  For one dollar...

Message 91 of 244 (1,089 Views)

Re: We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. $10048]

★★★ Newbie

Me too!!
100% agree!!

Message 92 of 244 (1,077 Views)

Re: We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. $10048]

★★★★★ Novice
 Require blue post man of the EA. Let him say what to do, and not a standard garbage, contact Support issues, we have all of Daedalus and that current tried and tantsivat with a tambourine, this **bleep** does not want to take my money. A person who is responsible for this needs to be done 10048 tattoo on his forehead, so that he once forgot his mistake.
Message 93 of 244 (1,073 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★ Novice

Try and get this one through your head without it exploding peeps...


6hrs ago Origin added a bundle deal, Game (standard) + Premium and when you try and order it you get "Sorry, this product is currently unavailable"...  WTF!!!  They are aware there is a major issue with people trying to pay for BF4 as it is but they can add a new product (not that it works) but not fix the underlying problem...


I have tried every trick in the book to make the payment go through,I have tried using different browsers, computers,  numerous calls to my bank to make sure that they are allowing the transaction to pass through, re-entered my CC details, tried a different CC and changed my payment method to PayPal but still no luck... If anyone has any information as to what in the hell is going on or knows how to fix it please share because EA isn't...


EA please remove the thumb from you collective asses and fix the problems you already know about instead of just adding to them and how about keeping your CUSTOMERS (you know the people that give you money) apprased of what is going on instead of the silence we are currently getting...

Message 94 of 244 (1,528 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Apprentice

tried with multiple cards and still nothing works...i really need that Premium NOW! >.>

Message 95 of 244 (1,522 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★★★ Novice

These farmers from EA, they've got to keep quiet, the capitalist bastards, they do not even want to fix what I was able to pay them, the sheer disrespect to the users.

Message 96 of 244 (1,502 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★ Newbie

Error # 10048

We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later.  

What's the problem??



Message 97 of 244 (1,393 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★★★ Newbie

I just called EA support and they said that Origin currently has a bug wich makes you account barrierd. But the support guy also said that they are working on a sulution wich will be released in a few days. DO NOT buy anything else right now! Wait a few days and you should be able to buy it Standard smile 

Message 98 of 244 (1,346 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Apprentice

Thanks @president for the info, EA SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE WHO TOLD US THAT! Why keep it for other and not announce it to all of us? >.>

Message 99 of 244 (1,318 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★★ Novice

OK for my self i did get my KEY @ greenmangaming,com for 59.99

i play last night was very fun


what a wast of time on origin (7-8h) of my time


Tankyou GreenManGaming.com!!!!

Message 100 of 244 (1,298 Views)