Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

by vanguardep

Original Post

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Apprentice

None at the moment, the EA still believe it was our Bank card problem, not theirs. So...hm hope they realize this sooner, cause iam getting bored waiting for my premium...

Message 61 of 244 (3,111 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★ Newbie

Has anyone found a way around this? Will I be able to play if I buy a fysical copy of the game? Or by creating a new account on Origin?

This really sucks. 

Message 62 of 244 (3,085 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Novice

Same problem here, have tried Paypal and credit card payment, both giving the same error.

Message 63 of 244 (3,056 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

same here too please y want to play


origin ea please chek that bug and make a patch or something 

it mostely alway the PC comunoty who are in trouble for BUG






Message 64 of 244 (3,432 Views)

We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. #10048]

★★★★ Novice

so what can y do ??

credit card or paypal dont work

Message 65 of 244 (3,402 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★ Newbie

Ive had this same problem for 3 days now ive spoke to live help and they have been no **bleep**ing help at all infact there trying to blame my bank which really is not the case, apparenly  there "specialist team" is looking into it  and im yet to hear anything from them.


I contacted live help again and was told "my account will be fine in 24hours" Another Lie then i was told every time i speak to live help the "specialist team" reset my problem and i drop back to the bottom of the queue.


I dont understand why they cant admit its a fault there end its disgusting customer service and im shocked that they can get away with the lies pooring out there mouths.


When EA got voted worst company in America i thought it was a bit harsh but clearly that title is deserved a huge part of me would love to boycott any EA products but that would do nothing in the bigger picture apart from me losing out on stuff.


Please EA make a statment or something stop blaming the customer when the issue is your end,


Even when this problem is solved i will be taking things further the lack of respect for the customer have been disgusting ive tweeted EA Support with out hearing anything Live Help just spill the same **bleep** about a "specialist team"


im pissed off with the way everyone is being treated!!!!!!!!

Message 66 of 244 (3,400 Views)

Re: We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. #10048]

★★★★★ Newbie

idk im getting pretty frustrated myself. i contacted a live advisor and still couldnt help me... idk wtf is going on

Message 67 of 244 (3,397 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★★ Novice

IM with you !! 

Stop blaming the customer!!:robotmad:


Message 68 of 244 (3,384 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★★★ Newbie

same problem here...tryed about 50 times with different cards, adresses.....felling pretty pissed right now watching all my mates beeing online in the game

Message 69 of 244 (3,352 Views)

Re: Unable to pre-order Battlefield4, error code: 10048

★ Apprentice

they really need to understand that this all issue isn't because our Bank card problem. If it is then why almost or maybe all of people here have the EXACT problem? so this case its EA problem not us. So please get it fix!

Message 70 of 244 (3,327 Views)