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Related to TWIN: twin pregnancy
TWINThat's What I Need
TWINTribute to Women in Industry
TWINTechnical Writers of India
TWINTimber Wolf Information Network (Waupaca, WI; conservation)
TWINTime-Domain Wavelength Interleaved Network
TWINTechnologies for Wireless Interconnection of Mobile Networks
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References in classic literature ?
She has conceived the curious idea that Cathy is TWINS, and that one of them is a boy-twin and failed to get segregated - got submerged, is the idea.
"Look at her; she loves dolls, and girl-plays, and everything a girl loves, and she's gentle and sweet, and ain't cruel to dumb brutes - now that's the girl-twin, but she loves boy-plays, and drums and fifes and soldiering, and rough-riding, and ain't afraid of anybody or anything - and that's the boy-twin; 'deed you needn't tell ME she's only ONE child; no, sir, she's twins, and one of them got shet up out of sight.
"No, indeed," replied the twins; "it's awfully difficult to be a twin."
"Yes," sighed his mother, "there it is again; if the twins could 'a' married Aurelia Sawyer, 't would 'a' been all right.
From my point of view, he was the wrong twin all the time, and only externally like the Wemmick of Walworth.
Jaggers's stock of boots for our hats, I felt that the right twin was on his way back; and we had not gone half a dozen yards down Gerrard-street in the Walworth direction before I found that I was walking arm-in-arm with the right twin, and that the wrong twin had evaporated into the evening air.
At breakfast in the morning, the twins' charm of manner and easy and polished bearing made speedy conquest of the family's good graces.
"Ole Missus, de house of plum' jam full o' people, en dey's jes a-spi'lin' to see de gen'lemen!" She indicated the twins with a nod of her head, and tucked it back out of sight again.
Old Monsieur Farival, grandfather of the twins, grew indignant over the interruption, and insisted upon having the bird removed and consigned to regions of darkness.
Then the twins crumbled their bread on the ground, and the wrens pecked it, and chirruped and chirped.
Laughter and joy had their way; and when Anne and Gilbert left to catch the Carmody train, with Paul as driver, the twins were ready with rice and old shoes, in the throwing of which Charlotta the Fourth and Mr.
"She got worse and worse until she was sicker than ever the Hammond twins were, even the last pair.