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TBTerabyte (1,024 Gigabytes)
TBTampa Bay (Florida)
TBTechnical Bulletin
TBThrow Back
TBTambém (Brazil: tuberculosis)
TBTambién (Spanish: Also or As Well)
TBTrue Blood (TV show)
TBThe Beatles (music album)
TBTrillion Bytes
TBThrottle Body
TBTeam Building (various organizations)
TBToo Bad
TBTerminal Block
TBTeddy Bear
TBTaschenbuch (German: Paperback)
TBTony Blair
TBTim Burton (actor)
TBTotal Bilirubin (biology)
TBTravel Bug (geocaching)
TBTerjemahan Baru (Indonesian: New Translation)
TBTaco Bell
TBTreasury Board
TBTalk Back
TBTrès Bien (French: Very Good)
TBTotal Body
TBTotal Bases (baseball)
TBTailback (football)
TBTransport Blocks
TBTwin Brother
TBTennis Ball
TBTubercle Bacillus (tuberculosis)
TBTest Bed
TBTurn Based (RPG, gaming)
TBThunderball (James Bond film)
TBTea Bag
TBTerabit (1,024 Gigabits; written with a lowercase b)
TBThrust Bearing
TBThai Baht (currency)
TBTorsion Bar
TBTime Base
TBTemporal Bone
TBTight Binding
TBTwin Bed
TBTrial Balance (accounting)
TBTerm Base (terminology database)
TBTreasury Bill
TBThe Bouncer (video game)
TBTouch Base
TBTorpedo Boat (military watercraft)
TBTenor Bass (chorus)
TBThe Barrens (gaming, World of Warcraft)
TBTreasury Bond
TBTom Boy
TBTeam Battle
TBToronto Bluejays
TBTime Bandits (movie)
TBTerminal Board
TBTractor Biplane (US Navy)
TBTatbestand (Austria, Europe)
TBText Back (text messaging)
TBTee Box
TBTeen Baby
TBTank Battalion
TBTerminal Box
TBBrightness Temperature
TBTechnology Base
TBTitle Block (AutoCAD)
TBTerbio (Spanish)
TBTheBrain (website)
TBThunder Bluff (Warcraft game)
TBTsunami Bomb (band)
TBTrue Bearing
TBTotal Biomass (yield)
TBTrue Basic
TBTsar Bomba (50 megaton nuclear bomb)
TBTechnical Body
TBToken Bucket (algorithm)
TBTerminal Ballistics
TBTurbo Block
TBTrinidad to Bahia (routing designation; US Navy)
TBTransaction Broker (real estate)
TBTowed Body
TBTransport Bureau (Hong Kong)
TBTourist Banglow
TBTurbine Building
TBTip Ball
TBThe Bretheren
TBTarget Benefit (DC pension plan)
TBTubing Puncher Log (energy exploration)
TBTorch Brazing
TBTina Barrett (musician)
TBTedlar Bag
TBTrip Blank (sample submitted to see if cross-contamination has occurred)
TBThrift Bank
TBThought Blocking
TBToggle Buffer
TBThumb Bolt (plumbing)
TBTrogdor the Burninator (cartoon, Homestar Runner)
TBTroop Basis
TBThomas Biskup (author of computer game ADOM)
TBTracking Balance
TBTele-Block (Runescape spell)
TBTooling Ball
TBTangential Bound
TBThermal Bake
TBWeighted Mean Body Temperature
TBTrue Brittanians (game)
TBTom-Tom Beater (Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
TBThree-way Box
TBTotal Blockout
Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
'My twin brother told the bar owner that he could have called us out of the bar where we came to spend our money for his business, to inform us of our brother's wrongdoing instead of beating him.
Thomas John <B O'Donovan the twin brother of Matthew O'Donavan, left.
Fan Frames was set up 18 months ago by Mr Gibson, (pictured centre) his twin brother Keith, (right) who is the business manager, and technical director Chris Birkett, (left).
After 23 weeks of training Andy said that he felt ready to hit the streets with his twin brother, who he said had always been the bossier one.
The revelation added weight to the theory that the gunman snapped after rowing with his twin brother about his mother's will.
Along with twin brother Llewelyn, Davies starts his professional career at the Tower Ballrooms in Edgbaston on Sunday September 14 and rugby legend Martin Johnson could be there supporting him.
The main character is Fern, a 12-year-old with a twin brother, Sam.
and Fern, a young girl with a twin brother, is living on the steppes of western Asia.
A year ago, his identical twin brother, Erik, joined the firm.
Ward's twin brother and business partner Shane says, "sooner or later you're going to find that one person who is going to change your business forever."
Which can help her achieve her dreams--and why does her dead twin brother keep appearing in her life?
Kim Powers and his fraternal twin brother, Tim, were close as children, somewhat estranged as adolescents, and after that pretty much at loggerheads.