twill weave

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Related to twill weave: satin weave

twill weave

[′twil ‚wēv]
A woven pattern of diagonal or twill lines that run upward to the right or left of the fabric face.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In this frequency range, an IL of up to 16.6 dB was achieved by the 2 x 2 twill weave earmuff, while the other composite earmuffs fared slightly poorer by 1-2 dB.
Results are compared to measurements of a CFRP with a twill weave as described in Section 2.
The proposed method can apply to most of ESFs, which is verified from testing results of the plain weave, twill weave and satin weave fabrics in this study.
Lamination of the twill weave fabric T changed the deformation character within the tensile curve where performance specific for isotropic materials prevailed.
The sandwich structure with two carbon/epoxy skins reinforced with a 0.3 kg/[m.sup.2] twill weave fabric and an expanded polystyrene (EPS) 9 mm thick core with a density of 30 kg/[m.sup.3] fulfils following special requirements: panel dimensions 10 x 2350 x 4070 mm and overall weight, maximum 10 kg.
Key words: Wicking, Water absorbency, Air permeability, Modified polyester, Cotton, Normal polyester, Plain weaves, Twill weave and Satin weave.
UPF has increased from 22.01 to 30.03 for rib weave, whereas 31.88 to 34.12 in the case of twill weave specimens.
According to A-Z of Fabrics by Ann Ladbury Magnum Books, 1981, houndstooth is: "A four-pointed star check design in a broken twill weave. The checks are medium sized and one of the colours is often white."
Arbek's answer to West Indies styling was its Magellan bed, caned in a twill weave with bamboo and leather straps.