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References in classic literature ?
The establishment of the same rule for the appointment of taxes, will probably be as little contested; though the rule itself in this case, is by no means founded on the same principle.
Neither the value of lands, nor the numbers of the people, which have been successively proposed as the rule of State contributions, has any pretension to being a just representative.
Then, after a pause, he asked: "Did you say a Tin Woodman rules the Winkies?"
"Of course, according to your lights, to your formula of the rule of the strong--"
"But I assure you, my good people, that I do not wish to rule the Emerald City," he added, earnestly.
He was intensely moved by the grandeur of the struggle for life, and the ethical rule which it suggested seemed to fit in with his predispositions.
Your brain may not be so large to look at as those of the Scarecrow, but you are really brighter than he is--when you are well polished-- and I am sure you will rule the Winkies wisely and well."
The desire of society for the statesman's advice is taken for granted, Plato in the Republic says that a good constitution is only possible when the ruler does not want to rule; where men contend for power, where they have not learnt to distinguish between the art of getting hold of the helm of state and the art of steering, which alone is statesmanship, true politics is impossible.
-- We will now consider a little more in detail the circumstances and rules governing the sterility of first crosses and of hybrids.
The wind rules the aspects of the sky and the action of the sea.
For this our determination we do not hold ourselves strictly bound to assign any reason; it being abundantly sufficient that we have laid it down as a rule necessary to be observed in all prosai-comi-epic writing.
You mean that you do not understand the nature of this payment which to the best men is the great inducement to rule? Of course you know that ambition and avarice are held to be, as indeed they are, a disgrace?