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RULReady Up Live (gaming website)
RULRutgers University Libraries
RULResource Unit Leader (various locations)
RULRight Upper Lobe (lung)
RULReasonable Useful Life (medical equipment)
RULRemaining Useful Life
RULRégion Urbaine de Lyon (French: Lyon Urban Region; Lyon, France)
RULRijksuniversiteit Leiden
RULRural Urban Limit Line
RULRussian Union of Legates
RULRead You Later
RULRésidence Universitaire Lantéri (French student housing)
RULResponsable Unité Logistique (French: Logistics Unit Manager; various organizations)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
'Toor rul lol loo, gammon and spinnage, the frog he wouldn't, and high cockolorum,' said the Dodger: with a slight sneer on his intellectual countenance.
These were the prime in order and in might; The rest were long to tell, though far renown'd, Th' IONIAN Gods, of JAVANS Issue held Gods, yet confest later then Heav'n and Earth Thir boasted Parents; TITAN Heav'ns first born With his enormous brood, and birthright seis'd By younger SATURN, he from mightier JOVE His own and RHEA'S Son like measure found; So JOVE usurping reign'd: these first in CREET And IDA known, thence on the Snowy top Of cold OLYMPUS rul'd the middle Air Thir highest Heav'n; or on the DELPHIAN Cliff, Or in DODONA, and through all the bounds Of DORIC Land; or who with SATURN old Fled over ADRIA to th' HESPERIAN Fields, And ore the CELTIC roam'd the utmost Isles.
- still, in my desire to be wiser, I got this composition by heart with the utmost gravity; nor do I recollect that I questioned its merit, except that I thought (as I still do) the amount of Too rul somewhat in excess of the poetry.
When I went to Lunnon town sirs, Too rul loo rul Too rul loo rul Wasn't I done very brown sirs?
Rul. 78-130, the IRS applied step-transaction principles to integrate the transfer of a target corporation to an indirectly owned second-tier subsidiary, followed by a liquidation of the target corporation into the second-tier subsidiary (double drop and liquidation).
Rul. 69-136 does not specifically state that the payments are income for reporting purposes, although that is clearly the conclusion based on the ruling's focus on wage treatment.
Rul. 2002-62 provides relief to tax payers who selected one of these two fixed-payment safe-harbor methods by permitting them to make a one-time change from such a method to the third safe-harbor method, where the amount changes from year to year based on the value of the account from which the distributions are made.
Rul. 66-274 also states that it is difficult to assign particular weights to the various factors, and each case must be determined on its own facts because these factors are only relevant in indicating control and direction of a service provider's work.
Rul. 67-274 subsequently addressed application of the step-transaction doctrine in the context of a reorganization under Sec.
Rul. 2002-22 provides insight regarding the IRS position on stock options in divorce.
Rul. 99-7(21) addresses the circumstances under which daily transportation expenses, including parking, incurred by a taxpayer in going between home and a temporary work location are deductible under section 162(a).(22)