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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a shallow saltwater lake in East Africa, in southwestern Tanzania. The lake, which does not have an outlet, lies in a tectonic basin at an elevation of 792 m. During wet seasons the length of the Rukwa reaches 150 km, and the width 25–30 km. In dry years the lake sometimes dries up almost completely.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
By THE CITIZEN REPORTERSUMBAWANGAThere is a growing tendency of wives beating their husbands here, prompting some of them to call upon the government and non-governmental organisations to come to their rescue.Speaking during a public rally at Zimba Village in Sumbawanga District, Rukwa Region, several men said they were direct victims of the problem.
As such, the aim of this study was to use the Theory of Planned Behavior to explain birth preparedness intention among expecting couples in the rural setting of Rukwa Region Tanzania.
The Fipa are an ethnic and linguistic group based in the Sumbawanga district of Rukwa region in southwestern Tanzania.
Banda-Sakala, "Assessing the sustainability of harvest of Pterocarpus angolensis in Rukwa Region, Tanzania," Forest Ecology and Management, vol.
Rukwa Region: Lake Tanganyika, Karema, 6[degrees]49.694'S 30[degrees]26.646'E, 780 m, 31.vii.2010, R.W.
In October 2011, the disease spread to the Sumbawanga District of the Rukwa region through feeding of swill and illegal movement of animals.
City Energy & Infrastructure said it also plans to invest in a power plant in Rukwa region of the east African nation.
The money was invested in its subsidiary SMP Gold Project, focusing on developing a gold project in Lupa, Rukwa region, into a significant open-pit gold resource.