(redirected from Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services)
FRESFuture Rapid Effect System (UK ground forces program)
FRESFinal Reserve Report (energy exploration)
FRESFederation of Recruitment and Employment Services (UK)
FRESFacilities and Real Estate Services (University of Pennsylvania)
FRESForest Range Environmental Study
FRESFellow of the Royal Entomological Society
FRESFlats Remote Encoding System (US Postal Service)
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The Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services said the Government's view was the existing fees restricted a temporary worker's ability to find a permanent job.
Take a look at the website of FRES - the Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services.
That's the main finding of the July edition of the Report On Jobs, produced by the Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services.
Choose a consultancy which abides by the code of conduct laid down by the Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services.
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